
Well... Maybe...

I guess somethings have happened...

I gave Jo her Christmas present, which was a tanzonite ring, with 6 diamonds. Its a white gold band with heart cut outs on it. She liked it.

Its my promise to her that some day I will ask her to marry me. Which I suppose is a big deal... ;-)


I dunno... I suppose there are more things, but they avoid my mind right now, and I will just have to think about it and post more later.

Haha, this is somewhat how my normal journal goes, I forget all the important things when they become common place in my mind.

The phone lines down in mexico are slow and maybe tired. I guess all your devotion got lost inside the wires.


I haven't posted in forever...

I guess I just don't have a whole lot to say. Nothing much is new.

I guess...

