

Sometimes people turn out to be so much funnier than they intend to be...

I just have to say that someones unintentionally humorous thing really made me laugh today. I know that they really wouldn't think that it was funny, but it really was. I asked them a question, to which they said no, then I made a comment and they right away re answered the question as yes. I can't really explain the details, but it was hilarious. I was having such a bad day before that...

Well off to work! (there goes my good day...)



Not so much longer now...

... and my grandfather will be done with his cancer treatments. He only has 9 more left. He started with something like 50. He was out to my house today to help us bring up our dock and pontoon boat. He still seems so strong despite being 80 and having cancer. Haha... it was nice to see him.



Trouble in Paradise...

*sigh* Life seems to be taking a downward spiral right now... I am not feeling like I am on top of the mountain, or even in the valley. Instead I feel like I am traveling in a dark cave with a light that is only lighting one room of the cave at a time. *sigh* Its kind of a melencholy expeirence.

So... I just got home from work at 10:30ish, and I was in good spirits because I got done with work a little bit early. It was a slow day, with little to no stress all day, which was very pleasent. When I got home my mother told me that Bridget, my sister-in-law, is in intensive care from a meth overdose. That really makes me sad. I know my brother has receded back to using alcohol and drugs, which has made my whole family sad and very concerned. He is at home right now, all alone with no sort of supervision. I hope he is alright.


EDIT: Comment moderation rocks socks!

Work is Life, Life is Work

So... I have been spending a lot of time working lately. Work is terriably unintersting. If it didn't pay I wouldn't do it. I know that that sounds dumb, but I would like to think that the career that I choose to follow I would do for the enjoyment of doing it, not for the money. Money motivated careers can only provide so much satisfaction. Which is frankly not enough.

I have also been doing the Uncle thing quit a bit lately. Bishop is staying with us on a semi permanent basis. We might become a foster family for him. I don't really know what is going to happen with David at this point, I think that its likely that he will end up with Bridgets Aunt. Its a lot of work to be a parent. Kids keep you constantly busy, 'cause they never tire, even when you do. My mom and dad have been devoting a lot of their "free" time to him, as have my sister and I. Even John and Nora babysat him the other day. That was really nice of them, I know my parents appreciated it.

Hahaha, as far as all the other stuff going on in my life, don't sweat it. I don't have time to spend worrying about those sorts of things. God has given me only so much time on this earth, and none of it is meant for worry. Big Z and I are the leaders for the whole jr. high small group, which I feel won't be very small. Its going to be at Matts house... But I don't yet know what its going to be on. Hopefully we will be able to succesfully steer our subjects away from women for the most part. That subject has been way over done since Pastor Chuck left. I really don't feel that they need to hear much more about it. Kari thinks that we should do something like Alpha for the kids. I know that Pastor Kyle would like us to stick around faith basics, nothing too deep. Matt and I are kind looking for some sort of beef stew mix... Not milk, but not yet steak... We are still prayerful about our subjects, but we have some hopeful topics. I will probably be talking to Pastor Kyle about it later today, when we hang out.

Well, class is nearly over... So I should get ready and leave.
