

I would move out of my house simply to obtian a better connection to the internet! I mean seriously, it takes me 45 minutes just to check my mail lately. I have to try like 85 bajillion times just to see my inbox. I don't know what googles problem is, but they had better fix it. Yahoo comes up in a snap, but gmail, google and blogger all take a month! I love their services, but if they start to become unrelaible I will have to leave them for someone a little more pleasing.


I was going to upload some pics of Matt and Andrew pimping the metro, but alas, you will have to wait until my lappy is some place happier!

Check it!


Under the Willow Tree

I wrote a poem. It is kind of about my late relationship. I've seen her lately, so it is kind of a timely poem. It is a tad weird for her to be around. While it still hurts to see her, it probably isn't healthy to keep that sort of pain to yourself. I decided to write about it. Between that and chatting with God about it, I have been feeling much more positive.

Under the Willow Tree


1. My pool of tears grow

2. Under the willow tree

3. My pool of tears grow

4. These eyes cannot see

5. Where is my broken love

6. Under the willow tree

7. So I cry to heaven above

8. Wishing I knew the answer

9. Where is my broken love

10. Gone is my graceful dancer

11. Oh, my heart is weak

12. Wishing I knew the answer

13. Tear upon rosen cheek

14. Smile turned to sorrow

15. My heart is weak

16. Desperate want of tomorrow

17. My pool of tears grow

18. Smile turned to sorrow

19. My pool of tears grow


While the Cats Away...

So check it! My parents are gone out of town, I suspect that tons of wild and crazy things will be happening. It's already started off with quite the bang. I dyed my hair black! I really like the way it looks, and it is only for a little bit, although if I like it I can always dye it again. Surprisingly the hair dye I used made my hair seem softer, which I thought was weird. We also lowlighted Kalyn's hair black. It looks pretty stylin! Check this awesome pic of Ari and I kickin' it!

Pretty "teh" rockin' awesome, eh? In the picture I have a faux hawk! Ari has this really effective pomade and hair wax. I need some... So I can have fun more often. I guess you can pick it up at Walgreens... Say, I saw these really cool argyle shoes the other day, and I really need new shoes. So I think maybe tomorrow I will pick them up. And a studded leather belt, because I kinda want one. Although, they are perhaps too expensive for me to desire.

I have been hanging out with a lot of lady likes in the last couple of days. Yesterday it was just Amos and I against the horde. And by the horde I mean Sara, Ari, Beth and Kalyn. And tonight it was me versus Sara, Ari, Melissa and Kalyn. We built a fire and ate smores. Then we played twister on a trampoline, and then again inside. We also sat on a dock and just talked. Hehe, lastly we threw a medicine ball at each other and said our favorite whatevers. It was all good fun! I guess Kalyn works the evening shift this week so it will undoubtabley be tons of late night fun!

K... Time for me to rolio like I got polio!


The Man!

If you've been hanging around me lately, you know that I am waging an all out war against "The Man!" Now, while the man has many minions (Sara! Blake! Amos!), they will never stop The People's Revolution from taking place! The People will never cease to protest The Man's tyrannical oppression of our God given rights. While The Man may very well want you to believe that resistance is futile, through the actions of covert agents, The Man's terrible resources are being syphoned away each and every day. Daily our supply of riot rocks grow, as The Man's supply of guns and ammunition dwindles. Soon The Man's army will crumble in on itself for no other reason than the fear that The People's Revolution strikes into it's heart.

People Unite! Together we fight with Proletariat might!



Wow the last couple of weeks of my life have been a blast. I have been on a hang out binge with Matt Z, Kayln, Amos and Kali. It has been tons of fun. We have watched nearly ever classic that we can think of. That means: Monty Python and the Holy Grail, The Princess Bride, the Goonies, Extreme Days and countless minor classics. We've played football, bocce ball and volley ball. We've hung out to ever hour of the night or morning. We've been to the playfront, to the board walk and to everyones house. We've partied, we've snuggled, we've taken long walks at dusk. We pranced in the grass and romped on the floor. But most importantly we've all had a good time.

We planned a canoe trip for the end of this month, and it is shapping up to be something terribly exciting. I am kind of the navigator, which is fun. It looks like it is going to be tons of fun. Although it can't be too hardcore because we have more newbs that expierenced people coming with. Can't blame people just for being newbs though. Gotta give it a go sometime don't they?


My Ex-Girlfriend is back from Texas. It has made me make an "Akwkward Turtle" dozens of times. Her parents were in a car crash yesterday, so we talked today. I don't hate her. I don't wanna fight her, but at this point I perhaps just don't like her. (thats a song... kinda...) I've decided that I don't wanna get back together with her for a myraid of reasons. Some personal, some practical. I forgive her for what happened, but I just don't need think it's time for me to date again yet.

Ahh... Relationships, the joy and sorrow only they can bring. Right now I am just enjoying watching other peoples grow and blossom. I think in fact that I find this much more enjoyable than the foibles of my own personal relationships.

Well, it is late, and I do need to do Devos before bed.