

Wow the last couple of weeks of my life have been a blast. I have been on a hang out binge with Matt Z, Kayln, Amos and Kali. It has been tons of fun. We have watched nearly ever classic that we can think of. That means: Monty Python and the Holy Grail, The Princess Bride, the Goonies, Extreme Days and countless minor classics. We've played football, bocce ball and volley ball. We've hung out to ever hour of the night or morning. We've been to the playfront, to the board walk and to everyones house. We've partied, we've snuggled, we've taken long walks at dusk. We pranced in the grass and romped on the floor. But most importantly we've all had a good time.

We planned a canoe trip for the end of this month, and it is shapping up to be something terribly exciting. I am kind of the navigator, which is fun. It looks like it is going to be tons of fun. Although it can't be too hardcore because we have more newbs that expierenced people coming with. Can't blame people just for being newbs though. Gotta give it a go sometime don't they?


My Ex-Girlfriend is back from Texas. It has made me make an "Akwkward Turtle" dozens of times. Her parents were in a car crash yesterday, so we talked today. I don't hate her. I don't wanna fight her, but at this point I perhaps just don't like her. (thats a song... kinda...) I've decided that I don't wanna get back together with her for a myraid of reasons. Some personal, some practical. I forgive her for what happened, but I just don't need think it's time for me to date again yet.

Ahh... Relationships, the joy and sorrow only they can bring. Right now I am just enjoying watching other peoples grow and blossom. I think in fact that I find this much more enjoyable than the foibles of my own personal relationships.

Well, it is late, and I do need to do Devos before bed.

1 comment:

[ brooke ] said...

It was fun hanging out with you guys on Saturday.. You guys are tons of fun.


At least you guys are in speaking terms..sorta..

Awkward turtle is the best, though I make mine differently.