
Good Morning!


So, yesterday, L0ser didn't remember that he hadn't made that cd for song show. He also didn't talk to my Youth Pastor about all the stuff that he was planning on having the Tech Team do. When I talked to my Pastor, I had planned to do things that were already done, so it was interesting. It would be good from now on to talk to eachother a little more. :-D


Well, Imma make a cape today, but first I have to like 10 math lessons... FUN!



Draconis is being mEAN!

I've decided


Hmmm... I think my funbox is like a 8-ball with a mind of its own... You could ask it questions, but it won't matter, it will tell you whatever random wordage it wants.

errr... Ummm.. Yeah! (it rocks to be a yes man!)

ROCKS YOUR SOCKS OFF! (pretty 'ardcore eh?)

Well... Ironiclly, I'm wearing the "you can tell your a loner if" shirt that I found on beach, and I meet all the requirements to be a loner... yippy!

Does typing to yourself count? I gots a pet rock, and I am alone...

Hey, where is tree anyways? He must be on my window sill or such...

Yeah, Imma dork, whatsit to ya?


Almost right...


Its almost the way I want it... If I could turn all my blog text blue, my blog titles, a darker blue, my dates a sky blue, then it would probably be the way i want it.


Well... anyway...


Any better?


This ones kinda better than that other template...
ITs got a BOX! A BOX of FUN!

Well... time to republish.

Its gotta go!


Well, after spending a couple of hours dorking around with the picture template, I have decided I don't want one with a picture. Imma get an imageless one.

Its things like this that make me cringe at being a webmaster. Sys admin, sure easy, but the web is a most mysterious beast. And I dare not tangle with it often.

Epic wasn't it?

I think I just read that free users can't have pictures... Thats Ghetto... (I only think so, because it was very vague.)



Stat page

SO! My link action there doesn't work, so you will just have to search blogger stats on google.

Commenting thingie

"There, prosper from the knowledge I have gained."

Wasn't that epic?



I added myself to the blogstat thing, where it will tell me when people come to my page, and I also added commenting.

Hip Hip Huzzah!

Now, if I can fix the problem with the picture at the top of the page, I will be done dorking around with the web site side of it. And then I can actually write some stuff, instead of the fodder I usually write. Oh! I should get E Sword and use it to qoute vereses like mad! That would be sweet!

Yup Yup!

Well, its 2:20, so Imma hit the hay. Chau

Girls! Purity! Stuffix!


So! I have an ironic little story that I like to tell from time to time, to keep it with me.

I love this girl very much. We can just call her C-J. (cool name eh? Picked it out myself!) So, she was about what... 2-3 years older than I, but I really loved her deeply. She had a very beautiful soul. I haven't meet many who were as Christ like as her. So, problem number one was that,she deserves much better than I. Problem number two, we were going on an A.I.M. trip, and its a definate no-no to date team memebers. Problem number three, she was older than I. Which isn't a very big deal, but in ways it was.

So, I did my best to not love her, but I didn't avail. I prayed that I wouldn't love her. But, I guess the answer was to have patience.

The days rolled by, coming sooner and sooner to the Aim trip, and for a while I was depressed, and paniced. (Is that even a word?)

Soon, the day came when we had to go, and so I just did my best to be calm, and to take things in stride, but boy, if she didn't make it tough for me. She brought a gallon bag of gum, which was in three colors, and her and the rest of the girls gave the different colors some signifigance (spelled wrong?), which us men folk can only wonder at. Nothing good, thats all I can say. Then, because the men in Argentina were hitting on the girls really bad, she pretended to be my girlfriend, which is really awkward. And then, probably the worst, its probably more my fault then hers, we were actually kinda flirting together... or at least thats what someone told me.

But, no regrets! It was a great trip. And whats one thorn in my side, its not a nail through my hand.

Oh, yeah!

I was gonna talk about Purity.

According to web wordnet 2.0 Purity is:being undiluted or unmixed with extraneous material.

Which to some extent is true. Yes, purity, is being free of sin, being free of sexual immorality. But Purity is more than just something with your body, its something with your mind and spirit as well. You can't be impure in your thoughts, you can't be thinking about the beautiful girls, or how much you hate someone. Its not pure. As well as it is with your spirit, being humble, and righteous.

*Nods* It is done

Wasn't that epic?

That was Girls! Purity! AND Stuffix!

And there was templatage!

OK! So, today, I went to BlogSkins and picked out one of May*Stars templates.

And I almost like it.

ALMOST! It seems that GeoCities and Tripod won't server my image for my blog. Well... Tripod did for like 2 hours, and then I went and looked at it, and then it all it would show was "Picture servered by tripod". So I went to my account, and thats all the pic says there. Then I re-uploaded it under a different name, and another under a different file type. No luck, same deal. So I go to geocities, and tried to server it there, but it doesn't show up on the page, unless you right click on where its supposed to be, and say show picture, which with my mozilla opens a whole page of just that picture, hit back and then it shows. Can't even do that with IE... So! Tomorrow the search begins for a reliable host who loves me enough to server 45kb for my blog!

I changed a bunch of colors and stuff, but its not quiet how I want it. But I couldn't figure out how to change the main blogs text color... So I improvised, and changed the background...

Tonight was coke night, there was like 10 peeps there. Which was pretty slow.

More Interesting though was the sermon tonight, which was on "Who guys are". It mostly was a run down of your average man. His problems with his eyes. Why he is that way. How women can help (brief). And a bunch of other stuff on men, lust and love. I didn't take notes, because I didn't have my notebook with me. Sad

Perhaps tomorrow I will take my sisters notes and post them. Maybe.

Perhaps Not.

We shall see. If I get the computer in the morning, than I probably shall, if not, I will probably lack the motivation to do it later.

Today I read in Titus, (Titus is a book in the Bible) about what a elder of the Church should be. I am happy, because as far as I know the elders at my Church meet those qualifacations that are put down in Titus. Tomorrow I shall read Philemon, (Another Book in the Bible :-D). I am not sure whats in Philemon... Something worth reading, of which there is no doubt.

Well! So! I hope I can find a bunch of links to add to my links list, and some Daily stuffix, but tonight, my mind comes up blank...





I just read this nutzo story! Actually, it made perfect sense, but that doesn't make it any different.

“We are literally addicted to love,” Dr Young observes.

Thats all I'mma put down.

"Love, The Addiction"


They talk most who have the least to say. ~Mathew Prior

So, vice versa, those who talk least have the most to say...

A city is a large community where people are lonesome together. ~Herbert Prochnow


The problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are so certain of themselves, while the wiser are so full of doubts. ~Bertrand Russell

Thats oh so true, Bertrand Russell....

There is no reason anyone would want a computer in their home. ~Ken Olson (President/chairman/founder of Digital Equipment Corp.,1977)

Nope... none at all....

The reports of my death are greatly exaggerated. ~Mark Twain


You can observe a lot by just watching. ~Yogi Berra

I think there is a world market for maybe five computers. ~Thomas Watson(IBM Chairman, 1943)

I have learned silence from the talkative, toleration from the intolerant, and kindness from the unkind; yet, strange, I am ungrateful to those teachers. ~Kahlil Gibran

If the opposite of PRO is CON, then is the opposite of progress CONgress?

Well... I know its bad to use others qoutes in a blog... BUT!!! I don't care.




I must write down one of my theories.

I was just talking to Big Z about this one.

Its about infinity. Its really not an important thing, but its an interesting concept. My theory is that time doesn't really pass, it just simply is. So its one constant, all things happening at once, instead of things happening in progression.

Thats my rant...

I was gonna...

I know I said I was gonna post today, about Purity, but they day had its way with me... And I couldn't escape its grasp long enough to write anything much.

Hopefully... I will write about:


And a bunch of other things.

I have such a mental block... I wish it would go away...




Just recently, to of my friends started dating, and it is causing more pain to my friends than I can bare.

So, my friend, the one with the hat, once lied to the boyfriend guy about liking MY sister, and he is holding it against him, and says he will not trust the kid with the hat with his girlfriend. My other friend, the drummer, who likes the girl, and the boyfriend knows it, he is fine with?

Whats that all about? What madness is this?

How come any of them care?

Why are they even dating?


Tally HO!

Off Into the wild white yonder! (To much snow for my yonder to be blue)

I'm off to Tech Team, Chau



Sweet! We're (The Reality Team) going to this really cool event (I forgot what its called!?!?!?) that has speakers on a ton of subjects, from Pastoring, to childrens ministries to how to set up stage lights. :-D

Oh! I'm also going to snow camp, which is 3 days with a great speaker and tons of fun with friends.

I just was IMing someone, and after telling them that I didn't want them to say something while I talked to them, they stopped talking to me... Sad

Well... More later!

Boys and Girls

Today we had the Boy/Girl purity meeting for reality, which always gives a person a lot to think about. We had my youth Pastor to discuss the book "Every Young Mans Battle" Very good book, everyone though did not think that it was as good as I thought it was. Maybe I will talk more about this tomorrow.

Pirated Ninja Swords.



Hey Yo!

Back in the day, like several hundred years ago, or maybe just a hundred, there weren't teen years. Can you believe that? I mean sure, they existed, but culturally, when you became a teen you were an adult. A lot more was expected of you, you had to be ready for the rest of your adult life, right then. And in ways I believe it was a much better way.






WOW! I feel so out of it!

I just noticed the tittle thing, and I have had an account here for at least 2 months or so.

So, I went to the party, but afterward, there was no going to my cousins, but there is still an AIM meeting in the morning. Hopefully I will still be able to chill with my friend Dan afterwards.



I can't get blogger to do what I want... It seems that there should be a way to make it do what I want, but I can't think of how. I want the text that I type in my post show up on my page the same way. I used to know a bunch of html tags, and even one similar to wot I want done, but its just not happening. SO! If anyone can think of how to do this...

Oh, to be more specific, I want text to be not just left alinged, and stuck together, but like, in the middle, or to the right, but not by being alingned... Maybe that doesn't make much sense. Basicallly, I just want to be able to determine where my text shows up better!


So! Today I have a party to go to. Its for my friend Christina. She rocks. And after that, with any luck, immma be staying at my cuzs house so I can are being in town tomorrow. Then tomorrow! I have an aim meeting. And after that, I'll prolly go over to my friend Dans house. So! Thats my plan.

I bet it will go down nothing like that.

I bet I will get as far as the party, and then everything will change.

Of course with any luck it won't.

But when have I ever had luck.

Not in the recent past at least.

Yup Yup.


I'm not as crazy as I think.

Ok, By now you must certianly think me Crazy, but I asure you, I am not.

I know the truth, and I follow it. I know Christ died for my sins, he paid for it with his blood. I know that the Holy spirit is here to help me. I know that Christ is coming back soon, not soon enough, and yet way to soon.

Thats just a basic outline. I know much much more than that. And yet, as ever, I know very little, only what Christ shows me.

Such a fool am I that sometimes I find myself wishing that there were a person here on earth that actually seemed to care. I have very good friends, and I know many will be world changers. Yet they are busy with their lives, much to busy for me. Its not a sense of abandoment, just disapointment. And yet, I am a fool. For who do I need besides my God? Whats on this earth will mean little when I die. For us humans are frial, and our hearts are weak. No man on earths love is unconditional. There is always something that can be done to turn it. Always. But some of us are pretty good for what we are.

Well, Its 1 in the am and Imma getting less and less certain that what I type is really what I want to say. Hmmm...

Chau~ Vermin ~ 0_0

Marriage and my Knowledge

When I think about marriage, I feel like I'm going crazy. Theres only one person I have ever thought about marrying, and I couldn't ever do it, because I lover her to much to screw up her life by marrying me. Its not that I trully am crazy, or that there is anything really wrong with me, But I'm just average, and she is such a world changer, an earth quaker. She is gonna do awesome stuff with her life, me, I seem to be going nowhere fast.

And I know I could do so much, If I would just put as much effort into my spirtual life as I put into my petty life on this earth. This earth is just a shadow, nothing much to see here. Yet it seems my heart yearn for it. I wish I could kill myself, but thats not why I'm here. That would just be straight up gratifaction, besides, Gods not done with me yet. I haven't woke the world yet. Err... somehow this sounds creepily terrostic or something like that. By kill myself, I mean, just get off this earth. And by wake the world, there are still so many who haven't heard the message of Christ.

Errr... back to the kinda subject I was on... Sometimes things are really ironic. Wouldn't you say its crazy to not get along with someone you admire and love so much? I would, but I know so much how it is, and how it comes about. This girl and I agree on many many subjects, even if we haven't ever talked about them together, and yet, our personalities are very different, she is a very hardworking individual, with impeccable ethics, and beutiful soul. And I suppose thats what I love most about her, her Christ-like soul. I on the other hand, I am just a fool, a man who knows so much, but for all his wisedom and knowledge, still feels far from his goal. Even walking in the spirit, I feel foolish, for when I am I know how foolish it is to try and guide myself.

I'm a pessimest, and I give joyful praise to God that such circumstances could befall me, no matter the pain agony or suffering. Besides, its just a thorn in my side. Not a nail in my hand.

Wowsa! I haven't said anything in a long time....

I recently had some computer trouble... I had to reformat, as all should do from time to time. But after wiping my hardrive, windows wouldn't reinstall, and I couldn't figure out for a long time, until I swapped in a different drive. My dvd-rom is as good a reader it seems as my random crappy burner. Who woulda thought?

Today, My Pastor preached his second sermon on the Power of Sex. Now, I am sure that many of you will be all like... You can preach on that? And Imma be all like, I assure you, yes you can. And I'm sure some of you will be like whasit? You must be in a pretty radical church, and Imma be all like, nope, just your just your normal rockin' awesome AOG church.

Now! Back to what I was babbling about. The sermon was about the power of sex, more specifcally what women want, not what women want sexually, but what they want in a husband, and how they want things to be. He also went over a lot of the pressure women recieve from the outside world, and how misguided people can be.

Yeah Yeah

Lemme see... one of the things that struck me most, was a big thing for women was being accepted, being known... To me, its nearly impossible to know the depths of a human soul, but, Im young and foolish. And many things seem impossible to me.

well, my babble doesn't do what my Pastor had to say justice, but I'ts all I can put right now without having my Bible notes in hand, and without much more thought.

Sorry, It's just not in me right now.

Did you know that over 80% of Americans claim to be Christian of some kind? I don't believe it!