
The End is Near

Well Kidz...

It has finally happened. I have finally decided to shut down this blog. It may be revived again some day, if I feel so inclined... But I don't think I will. Because... I am opening a new and different blog. I will be limiting my opinions and views at the new blog, and will condense my writings down to be just stories. Not emotional filled drama's, not random tid bits of news. Just small writings about my day to day life. No insight, no view through the lookers eye. Not what I thought about it. Just little stories.

It has been a good run, thanks for the 329 posts kidz.

Check it out at "As Life Occurs"

The End is Here



Hey Kidz

Check it! Look at what the people at Odeo have done! I absolutely love the crew there, they work so dilligently on all these good ideas. As though Odeo wasn't enough, they have gone and made Hellodeo! Which is just a small app and service for putting video on the internet. Now, it isn't all "You Tube" style, but I am still plenty excited to see where it goes.

I am hungry... Somebody come and feed me...


Growing Up, Growing Old

Life has been more abundant lately. It has been so good lately. I wish I could never leave these days behind. But I also know that I already have, in the same way that I know they will come again one day.

I have had such a good last two weeks. Each and every day of them has been spent with Kalyn Maki and Amos Nimmo. They have quickly become my two favorite people. Each day has been bright and joyous. We have done so much in so little time. I know I talked a bit about it already, but needless to say that it got even better some how. It seems like our spirits have become so intimately close. It is astounding how spending quality time with good Christian people can make you love God so much more. Or what I mean to say is, when I see God reflected in his children it makes me want to seek his face all the more. And I have.

Do you ever wonder if his name is on your lips enough? I do. With all that I say and do, am I honoring him? I want to, but I am not sure that I am. I need to. I will.

Pray with me about my brother Peter, My friends Kalyn and Matt, my aunt Ester and lastly but certainly not least, my future.




I would move out of my house simply to obtian a better connection to the internet! I mean seriously, it takes me 45 minutes just to check my mail lately. I have to try like 85 bajillion times just to see my inbox. I don't know what googles problem is, but they had better fix it. Yahoo comes up in a snap, but gmail, google and blogger all take a month! I love their services, but if they start to become unrelaible I will have to leave them for someone a little more pleasing.


I was going to upload some pics of Matt and Andrew pimping the metro, but alas, you will have to wait until my lappy is some place happier!

Check it!


Under the Willow Tree

I wrote a poem. It is kind of about my late relationship. I've seen her lately, so it is kind of a timely poem. It is a tad weird for her to be around. While it still hurts to see her, it probably isn't healthy to keep that sort of pain to yourself. I decided to write about it. Between that and chatting with God about it, I have been feeling much more positive.

Under the Willow Tree


1. My pool of tears grow

2. Under the willow tree

3. My pool of tears grow

4. These eyes cannot see

5. Where is my broken love

6. Under the willow tree

7. So I cry to heaven above

8. Wishing I knew the answer

9. Where is my broken love

10. Gone is my graceful dancer

11. Oh, my heart is weak

12. Wishing I knew the answer

13. Tear upon rosen cheek

14. Smile turned to sorrow

15. My heart is weak

16. Desperate want of tomorrow

17. My pool of tears grow

18. Smile turned to sorrow

19. My pool of tears grow


While the Cats Away...

So check it! My parents are gone out of town, I suspect that tons of wild and crazy things will be happening. It's already started off with quite the bang. I dyed my hair black! I really like the way it looks, and it is only for a little bit, although if I like it I can always dye it again. Surprisingly the hair dye I used made my hair seem softer, which I thought was weird. We also lowlighted Kalyn's hair black. It looks pretty stylin! Check this awesome pic of Ari and I kickin' it!

Pretty "teh" rockin' awesome, eh? In the picture I have a faux hawk! Ari has this really effective pomade and hair wax. I need some... So I can have fun more often. I guess you can pick it up at Walgreens... Say, I saw these really cool argyle shoes the other day, and I really need new shoes. So I think maybe tomorrow I will pick them up. And a studded leather belt, because I kinda want one. Although, they are perhaps too expensive for me to desire.

I have been hanging out with a lot of lady likes in the last couple of days. Yesterday it was just Amos and I against the horde. And by the horde I mean Sara, Ari, Beth and Kalyn. And tonight it was me versus Sara, Ari, Melissa and Kalyn. We built a fire and ate smores. Then we played twister on a trampoline, and then again inside. We also sat on a dock and just talked. Hehe, lastly we threw a medicine ball at each other and said our favorite whatevers. It was all good fun! I guess Kalyn works the evening shift this week so it will undoubtabley be tons of late night fun!

K... Time for me to rolio like I got polio!


The Man!

If you've been hanging around me lately, you know that I am waging an all out war against "The Man!" Now, while the man has many minions (Sara! Blake! Amos!), they will never stop The People's Revolution from taking place! The People will never cease to protest The Man's tyrannical oppression of our God given rights. While The Man may very well want you to believe that resistance is futile, through the actions of covert agents, The Man's terrible resources are being syphoned away each and every day. Daily our supply of riot rocks grow, as The Man's supply of guns and ammunition dwindles. Soon The Man's army will crumble in on itself for no other reason than the fear that The People's Revolution strikes into it's heart.

People Unite! Together we fight with Proletariat might!



Wow the last couple of weeks of my life have been a blast. I have been on a hang out binge with Matt Z, Kayln, Amos and Kali. It has been tons of fun. We have watched nearly ever classic that we can think of. That means: Monty Python and the Holy Grail, The Princess Bride, the Goonies, Extreme Days and countless minor classics. We've played football, bocce ball and volley ball. We've hung out to ever hour of the night or morning. We've been to the playfront, to the board walk and to everyones house. We've partied, we've snuggled, we've taken long walks at dusk. We pranced in the grass and romped on the floor. But most importantly we've all had a good time.

We planned a canoe trip for the end of this month, and it is shapping up to be something terribly exciting. I am kind of the navigator, which is fun. It looks like it is going to be tons of fun. Although it can't be too hardcore because we have more newbs that expierenced people coming with. Can't blame people just for being newbs though. Gotta give it a go sometime don't they?


My Ex-Girlfriend is back from Texas. It has made me make an "Akwkward Turtle" dozens of times. Her parents were in a car crash yesterday, so we talked today. I don't hate her. I don't wanna fight her, but at this point I perhaps just don't like her. (thats a song... kinda...) I've decided that I don't wanna get back together with her for a myraid of reasons. Some personal, some practical. I forgive her for what happened, but I just don't need think it's time for me to date again yet.

Ahh... Relationships, the joy and sorrow only they can bring. Right now I am just enjoying watching other peoples grow and blossom. I think in fact that I find this much more enjoyable than the foibles of my own personal relationships.

Well, it is late, and I do need to do Devos before bed.


This weak...

And this weak the trend was to stay out until 3am...

So yeah, I've been staying up late and sleeping in a bit (think tenish). It has been for teh roxorz... but I think I am getting sick of it. It just isn't that fun to be up late and do nothing. I think I am going to abstain from hanging out that late for a while. It is unfortunate though, because some of my friends jobs are pushin' their hang out time later and later into the night. 'course a lot of peoples that i would love to be hanging out with can't be out that late. 'specially the youngsters.

ahh... The joys of being a college aged kid. It is pretty sweet. I mean, I work, go to church and then just hang out. Actually, its the same as the other nine months of the year, just no school. I will probably be picking up a ton of hours in the weeks to come, so it won't really be a big deal in being out of school.

I've been spending some time playing my 360. It is pretty sweet! I can't wait for the real tittles to come out for it. Like Brothers in Arms, Halo 3 or half dozen other ones that I am anticipating. Its looking pretty swank.

I have been listening to tonz of music lately, like Five Iron, Reliant K, Spoken, Children 18:3, Ghoti Hook, Brave Saint Saturn... and many many many more. mmmm... sooo good!

You know what I need??? The strong bad dvd/cd it is teh roxorz, ftw!

Check you jive cats later!


Busy With Awesome

Awwwww YEAH!

So Check it, I have been hangin' out so much lately! Since I got of work this week I have hung out a TON! And it has just been teh rockin my soxorz off! I lurves it like Batman lurves black tights...

Yeah, I've been hangin' out with cute girls a bunch with my buddy Matt (who is totally a 90 on the WWWOOOAAAHHH scale) and the subject of dating has been hanging on the periphery of our conversations. So, being me... I went and grabbed Bible about it. I am really interested in seeing how this all plays out. Now there isn't a dating out come in this for me, mind you, but it still looks like it will be interesting to watch unfold.

Oh, yeah... I FINALLY found a reason to use facebook. The event system on it shows much promise. I don't know if any of my friends would use it though, being as though everyone is all hooked up in the hizzouse with cells. Word of mouth usually seems to be plenty of power to bring the crew together.

I have felt exceptionally funny lately. So much so that I have thought I was going to have to seriously do something to help someone breath. Did that make sense? Imma guess it did. But seriously though, I have had such a rocking awesome time laughing and making others laugh latley. I have loved it, it was "teh" gapezors. (just so you know, a gapeing mouth means love from now on.) Haha, I almost killed Matt with laughter while he was drinking water. Justify Full



Check it!



The game videos website is especially usefull

Well, have fun!




Well, it finally happened. My lappy has sustained injury. I kind of thought it would (hence the purchase of warranty). My brother Peter used it some when he was here last and was complaining about how it wouldn't play DVDs, something that it had no problem with in the past. And then today my sister broke off the left shift key. And unlike normal keyboard keys, I can't seem to just pop it back on.

Sooooooo I am going to bring it in to be serviced as soon as school is out.




I am so tired of school. Tired of babies. Tired of being a youth leader. Tired of work.

I need a nap!

I wish I could tab in paragraphs. There should be a button on the editor. Or at least they could turn the editor into a true WYSIWYG editor. That would be nice. I wish there was one of those for the template editing. I mean, google could do it if it wanted. It would sure reel in more of a user base. Heck that sort thing could help lure away the unwashed from MySpace.



Elder Crack

Hey Kidz!

Yeah, I got my system and all the jazz... Oblivion is phenomnal. I have actually gasped while walking around, just because of how beautiful the landscape can be. The flowers, the grasses and the smoke are all superb. W00T! However, I should be totally honest and say that the frame rate does stutter now and again. But that really doesn't bother me, considering most of the load times are gone, or if not gone, then reduced.


I am enjoying it. I needed a break.


Core Vs Pro


This morning I traded in my xbox and games and controllers. The whole lot. All my phat lewt. Well, everthing that I didn't want. I got 78 dollars for it all in all. Pretty good if you ask me. I was trading in things that were just junk to me. Some of the items fetched less than a dollar, but others turned out to be worth much more than I had even hoped.

Well, I didn't really think that this was much of a question, until I learned that the "pro" or "premium" version was out of stock. Plus, the bundle I was thinking of getting turns out to contian aprox. 80 dollars worth of junk I don't need. I may perhaps get a core basic bundle. But I am just not sure if that is exactly what I want. One of the reasons I object to getting the core system is that it contains no media remote, or hd tv cables (not that I will have a hd tv anytime soon). However, on the other hand, if I do buy a core basic bundle, it comes with the remote, which I would love.

Hmm... decisions to make...



Rawr! Here be pirates!

Sorry... Just felt like "saying" it.

Soooo.... Here I am, its 2pm and I am sitting in Mr. Kapkes CompII class. He handed out notebooks, so now every student can surf the net and play solitare. Which is exactly what most students do. I haven't had much of a chance to work on my final for the class, because some of my much needed source materials haven't arrived yet. Which is kind of depressing because it is a 8 page paper that is worth 65% of my grade.

ACK! my notebook is forcing a restart on me!


Since I have been thinking more or less about the 360, I've decided to make short list of mamsy pamsy "I want"ish nish. I'm not saying I am going to buy these things, or that I even need them... But if anything you can say that I am browsing.

Like I said before, I don't plan on buying all this junk. Just a list of wants, not needs.

Ya Know...

Loooooookin' to buy a 360... Just looookin'

So. I've done the math, and my best bet is to get it from gamestop. I can trade in my xbox for $100, and some games for a bit. My DS' could go for $50 there, but I have them in the paper for $75. I already sold one, and a minor accessory in $80. I have a couple of DS games that I will sell to gamestop for another little bit.

So... Altogether that would take a significant edge off the price bite.


Not too shabby. However, there is still a bit of cost involved. I think that I will foot the bill as soon as possible, regardless of whether I have sold the second DS. I'd like to do it that way because the 360 is so hard to obtain lately. They announced that there would be "no more shortages". However, it's been only two weeks to be fair. But shouldn't that have had everything nailed down before making the announcement?

Oh, well!

Patent Pending

I was just reading this. It is an interesting article regarding apples copy right infrigment on bursts patents. Apparantly apple thought they could get away with it...

I wish blogger would bring back the profile stats.

Gotta go to Utopian Images!


Google Calender

MMMmmm... Googlie!

K... Check this out kidz! Google Calender is exactly what you never knew you needed, but believe me you do! Confusing as that may sound, it is a sweet service. The calendar features are all pretty standard. Events, times, places etc etc... But the real neat features are those revolving around sharing your calendar with others. They are quick and easy! I shared my calendar with BigZ in a matter of minutes. I can now see when he is busy, and he can likewise see when I am busy. We are already enjoying the prospect of knowing when we can hang out and such. There is even plans in the works I hear to make a comprehensive integration with gmail.

Sooo! You should all give it a swing, and if you like it, add me to your calendar links. (most likely I'll just add you to my list. So if you want to see what is up with me, you'll have to join too!)

Happy National Poetry Month!



Well, since I just paid my last payment to school, and it is almost over, I've decided I should reward myself with a 360. Err... That isn't to say that I am all done paying my loan off, but that the school has all the money it needs for my tuition. Yeah... But right, I am tired, and have been working hard and would really like one, so I think I'll get one. I have a bunch of stuff to trade in on one anyways.


Thought I would keep you all posted.



Lazy Blogger

You know, if I were not such a lazy blogger... I would have more content and more code.

I am really tempted to devote a couple of hours some time soon to setting up categories, a shout box, a flickr window and more...

I should really make a new template... again...


Do the math...

My bank account would probably be much happier if I did the math. It seems to me that all too often I spend money on frivalous things. Things that I don't really need. I think I shall commit myself to saving more money! I really should save up to pay for college, to pay for an xbox 360, to pay for a new car. There are many things I should save up for.

..that can't really be right can it...

I'm making aproximately 200 dollars a month. Not much I know, but its all I have time for. I should start giving plasma twice a week. Someone told me that it's 35 dollars a pop, but I don't know if I believe that. If I did that it would be almost as much as I make now from my job. However, that can't really be right can it? At least, I don't think it can. But if it were, it sure would be helpful. I would almost be tempted to post pone working again until the summer. Of course, that wouldn't be a very long time, now would it? Did you know most people below the poverty line have jobs? It is true, and yes still saddening.


You know... I have a lot of accounts online. I have accounts at the following services:

  • 43things.com
  • Allconsuming.com
  • Bebo.com
  • Deviantart.com
  • Facebook.com
  • Flixster.com
  • Flickr.com
  • Gmail.com
  • Hotmail.com
  • Lsc.edu
  • Odeo.com
  • Urbandead.com
  • Wikipedia.com
  • Yahoo.com
And probably countless more that I don't use anymore. In fact I know that I have countless more that I don't use. I know I used to have half a dozen where my account name was "Heman". But those are from when I was real young. I don't suppose I could remember what the password for those account were anyway. Perhaps a certain caped crusader might know...

Ahh... Those were simple times. Times when you felt safe with a six letter non-alpha numeric password. These days... Who knows what kind of evil might be wrought upon you, even if you have a alpha numeric password. Keyloggers, trojans, DOS... Not to mention people who aren't even script kiddies. Real hackers... Nothing could actually stop a real hacker from getting into your computer. Sure you might feel safe behind your hardware firewall and your obnoxiously long password... But you never really are. As long as you are plugged in, you are suspect to the evil deeds of "teh" 1337 H4X0Rz!

well... With that cheery thought I will leave you to ponder your own computers mortality...


Home again, Home again, Jiggity Jig

Well... I survived the trip... More or less...

I said I was going to take photos, but I didn't really. Although it might seem easy to do, I was really just not with it the whole trip. I took a couple of small .avi of the basketball game, but thats about all. Oh, and some random snapshots out of the window for my dad. I don't know why he wanted pictures of flat endless boredom, but he did.

I wish I could tab in.

'course if I wanted this to look good, I would have inset qoutes of myself, drop cap letters and a css banner. But... Nope! I'm lazy and to good for such trivel code tricks. :-D

Soooo... Guess what? My laptop was totally like borked 5 minutes ago, but then it suddenly decided being borked was bad, so it fixed itself.

K, I'm late for class, so I will blather on about nothin' later...



Road Trippin'


We got 0n the road about 9:00 yesterday, and didn't arrive at the hotel until 7:00. It has been a long trip. We stopped for lunch at wendys at about one. I really should have taken some pictures, but I forgot to. I will take some more today, and perhaps post them before I get home.

The baby didn't get terribly upset. I wonder if he will be ok today? I can only hope!

Oh, my number to call for audio posts is broken or something. So sad!



This is going to be an interesting week, I think... Tomorrow I leave, to ride in a car with a bubya and my grandparents. (as well as the rest of the fam, YO!) I am not certain that it will feel like a vacation with them along.

I have plans though to make it a good time for myself.
  1. Read a plethora of interesting things!
  2. Bring a prodigious amount of music with!
  3. Take mega gigs of pictures! (Mega Gigs? Does that make sense?)
  4. Spend time alone!

I also have a small list of things to NOT do, to equally keep my vacation... well... vacationy...

  1. Do boring things, like lame-o museums! (Not all of them are bad, but...)
  2. Change poopy diapers!
  3. Get engaged in awkward conversation with my grandparents
  4. Bog my mind down in tons of homework!


I would like a vacation. I can only hope. A positive outlook can go a long way, but I have found it to be true that it can't bridge all gaps. Some things are just to horrible to put a good spin on. Although, the politicians would have you believe otherwise. Eh?

On a darker note, I hear that my friends in Hibbing are going through a trying time right now. I should go visit them, to make sure they are all doing ok. I hope Pastor Aaron doesn't have to leave... I've always liked him. Hmm... Maybe I will call Chris Pope, or Molly Flynn after school. I love those Hibbing kids.

Well, I guess I should go or something...



Full of Glee!

Soo.... Check this out!

I know sometimes that my thoughts and speculations can be far flung, but that doesn't actually make them unplausible... As it happens, tonight I was hanging out with the guys, and we were talking about crushes. Or, well, more precisely they were talking about crushes, being as though I lack them. Anywho, they were all guess and stuff, and I (and others) of course couldn't (Guess who they had a crush on). One persons crush was readily apparent, and they were of course, very forth coming with it. (why not? Be happy! Be in love!) ... Errr... Meandering... Anyways. I set a discourse about a certian person, and who they may be crushing on as it were... And guess what! I was right! And it makes me dance with glee!

'course... I keep secrets, so I can't divulge any info to any one... Although if you know where to look... You too can gain my knowledge. but you won't, so don't even try!

(Why do I do this? I don't know. Perhaps I like the sound of my own voice... Err... Typingness... But then again, maybe it is just so that I can dance all the more with glee!)

I apoligize for such a poor post. I know... It wasn't really fair to my readers. But, then again... Who said life is fair?



The AfterMath!

Wow! This weekend was so good! It was amazing! It was awesome! It was phenomenal! It was SUPER FANTASTIC!

The speaker was Phil Zarns, who did a great job of speaking. His message was very timely and aimed at the heart of the youth. It was a blessing to hear him speak; he was both wise and hilarious!

Pastor Zarns did this gag involving a "happy" shake. The "happy" shake was the contents of a happy meal blended up with some coke and apple juice. Jason Grimes tried to drink it, as did Sherman. Neither of them could drink it without gagging and making faces oh so terrible.

Well... I am actually going to go hit the hay in a couple of minutes... So I am not going to expound to much... But needless to say, it rocked! God met with us there, and it was beautiful!

surprisingly, my JH kids all behaved themselves very well, not a single one of them did anything remotely stupid all weekend. Not that I have a low opinion of JH kids, but at things like this they can loose their common sense sometimes. My kids rocked! DRAMA FREE IS THE WAY TO BE!

Ahh... I love them kids!

Although, not everyone could behave themselves as well as my kids... Poor Poor Pastor Jonas...

My sister, Molly Flynn and I built a snow sculpture of "The Duck Mobile"! But sadly we didn't win... We should have though! It was "The Duck Mobile" What more could you want??? I certainly can't think of anything more that I would've wanted...

So I took over a gigabyte of pictures this weekend! It rocked! It should come out to somewhere around 500+ pictures. Oh, yeah... And probably about 7-8 videos. One of the videos is Michael Vespa snuffing sour skittles sugar. It looks painful. Don't ask why he snuffed sugar up his nose, because I don't know. No one asked him too... He just did... And he asked me to video it... I just can't explain these things...


I think I will post some pictures tomorrow... But as for tonight, I am going to go to bed.



Subtle Propaganda...

It seems Uncle Sam just isn't the man he used to be... This is satirical of course... But what I hear from teachers ever day of school, you'd think this was up on ever street.


Teachers... Blagh...


I don't....

...post much anymore. Oh well. What can ya do?

I got a really phenomenal camera for Christmas. I can take pictures and stich them together to make a 360 degree picture with it. It takes gorgeous pictures and its a snap to use. Plus it has tons of features. It's not going to take me from amateur photography to professional anytime soon, but boy does it rock!

'cause you know if I wanted to head for pro, I would totally snatch up one of those Rebels. Boy do those take gorgeous shots. :-D


Well, that was my update, or something... I guess...


(Babies make you tired)



Yeah... I post once more into the breach...

Yesterday after church I went out to eat at the China Star with Matt Z. They have pretty good food there for the price, and it sure is cute to see little oriental kids running around while you eat. We sat and talked about this and that, which was nice. While we were leaving I stopped to talk an older gentleman, he was of a kindly sort. We chatted briefly about the China Star and the food. It was nice, and exactly the sort of thing I engage in every time I host. When it is something you do countless times a day, you don't feel weird at all about it.

After the China Star, Matt and I just chilled for a while. After approximately an hour we headed to Luther's house to hang out with the gang. We played the D20 Star Wars P&P Rpg. It was very fun, especially for me, because instead of GMing like usual, I played a character. Matt GMed instead of me, which was fine except for that it seemed like some players didn't engage like normal. As a character I totally confounded all Matt's GM plans. I played a protocol droid with the personality of an interrogation droid. So basically, my character was totally manic, and reveled in all the chaos I caused. Oh, and I also gave away corn.

Well, I guess I should also mention that my car broke down, but its plausible that I just need to mix some anti-freeze with the gas. Hopefully its nothing to troublesome! Its been speculated that it could be the transmission, but my father was doubtful about that being the problem.

And on a celebratory note, I got a 3.66 GPA this semester. And my sister got a 4.0! But this coming semester we are taking harder courses and my sister has a job this time around. Things shouldn't be to much worse though. Of course, there is also a baby now. But I still have confidence that we will do ok!
