
While the Cats Away...

So check it! My parents are gone out of town, I suspect that tons of wild and crazy things will be happening. It's already started off with quite the bang. I dyed my hair black! I really like the way it looks, and it is only for a little bit, although if I like it I can always dye it again. Surprisingly the hair dye I used made my hair seem softer, which I thought was weird. We also lowlighted Kalyn's hair black. It looks pretty stylin! Check this awesome pic of Ari and I kickin' it!

Pretty "teh" rockin' awesome, eh? In the picture I have a faux hawk! Ari has this really effective pomade and hair wax. I need some... So I can have fun more often. I guess you can pick it up at Walgreens... Say, I saw these really cool argyle shoes the other day, and I really need new shoes. So I think maybe tomorrow I will pick them up. And a studded leather belt, because I kinda want one. Although, they are perhaps too expensive for me to desire.

I have been hanging out with a lot of lady likes in the last couple of days. Yesterday it was just Amos and I against the horde. And by the horde I mean Sara, Ari, Beth and Kalyn. And tonight it was me versus Sara, Ari, Melissa and Kalyn. We built a fire and ate smores. Then we played twister on a trampoline, and then again inside. We also sat on a dock and just talked. Hehe, lastly we threw a medicine ball at each other and said our favorite whatevers. It was all good fun! I guess Kalyn works the evening shift this week so it will undoubtabley be tons of late night fun!

K... Time for me to rolio like I got polio!


[ brooke ] said...

Woah... Nice!

SuperStar said...

Hey! I really like your hair that color! Definitely cool! I guess I was wrong about you dying it black. It looks good! Also, I miss Ari... Will you tell her hello for me? She is one of my favorite girls ever... *tear*
Have fun this week.