
Hey, Yeah?

Hey, What?

I am currently on the sixth and final "Hitchhikers guide to the Galaxy" book. The are actually very funny, in a decidedly english kind of way. They can feel very random, but when you finish them you can see how they were just very well plotted. Not surprizingly the books are completely different from the movie. I hear that the story line often contradicts itself. Oh well! Just more fun!

You wanna know what's funny? I really have absolutely no idea what I want for Christmas. So if you had intended to ask me, which I doubt you were, all I can tell you is that I don't know. Its funny, because my parents have all their gifts for the other kids figured out, but they don't know what to get me. Oh well! What can you do?

*sigh* life's been very busy lately.

haha! I was just about to ask a question, but thought better of it because some one might actually answer it... Know it all's can bug me... If I really wanted to know the answer to my question I would look it up. Is it just me or does it seem like I am starting to omit large portions of meaning from my text these days?

I think so...

Well... Enough inane dribble...



Hold on...

Abortion is advocated only by persons who have themselves been born.
- Ronald Reagan


2:30, and out of juice...

Sigh. Just doing homework. Wanted to leave myself a little note.

When they stab me, don't I bleed?

Fallacy of causation.

I know, seems weird. Only my sister could get that one.




Sometimes people turn out to be so much funnier than they intend to be...

I just have to say that someones unintentionally humorous thing really made me laugh today. I know that they really wouldn't think that it was funny, but it really was. I asked them a question, to which they said no, then I made a comment and they right away re answered the question as yes. I can't really explain the details, but it was hilarious. I was having such a bad day before that...

Well off to work! (there goes my good day...)



Not so much longer now...

... and my grandfather will be done with his cancer treatments. He only has 9 more left. He started with something like 50. He was out to my house today to help us bring up our dock and pontoon boat. He still seems so strong despite being 80 and having cancer. Haha... it was nice to see him.



Trouble in Paradise...

*sigh* Life seems to be taking a downward spiral right now... I am not feeling like I am on top of the mountain, or even in the valley. Instead I feel like I am traveling in a dark cave with a light that is only lighting one room of the cave at a time. *sigh* Its kind of a melencholy expeirence.

So... I just got home from work at 10:30ish, and I was in good spirits because I got done with work a little bit early. It was a slow day, with little to no stress all day, which was very pleasent. When I got home my mother told me that Bridget, my sister-in-law, is in intensive care from a meth overdose. That really makes me sad. I know my brother has receded back to using alcohol and drugs, which has made my whole family sad and very concerned. He is at home right now, all alone with no sort of supervision. I hope he is alright.


EDIT: Comment moderation rocks socks!

Work is Life, Life is Work

So... I have been spending a lot of time working lately. Work is terriably unintersting. If it didn't pay I wouldn't do it. I know that that sounds dumb, but I would like to think that the career that I choose to follow I would do for the enjoyment of doing it, not for the money. Money motivated careers can only provide so much satisfaction. Which is frankly not enough.

I have also been doing the Uncle thing quit a bit lately. Bishop is staying with us on a semi permanent basis. We might become a foster family for him. I don't really know what is going to happen with David at this point, I think that its likely that he will end up with Bridgets Aunt. Its a lot of work to be a parent. Kids keep you constantly busy, 'cause they never tire, even when you do. My mom and dad have been devoting a lot of their "free" time to him, as have my sister and I. Even John and Nora babysat him the other day. That was really nice of them, I know my parents appreciated it.

Hahaha, as far as all the other stuff going on in my life, don't sweat it. I don't have time to spend worrying about those sorts of things. God has given me only so much time on this earth, and none of it is meant for worry. Big Z and I are the leaders for the whole jr. high small group, which I feel won't be very small. Its going to be at Matts house... But I don't yet know what its going to be on. Hopefully we will be able to succesfully steer our subjects away from women for the most part. That subject has been way over done since Pastor Chuck left. I really don't feel that they need to hear much more about it. Kari thinks that we should do something like Alpha for the kids. I know that Pastor Kyle would like us to stick around faith basics, nothing too deep. Matt and I are kind looking for some sort of beef stew mix... Not milk, but not yet steak... We are still prayerful about our subjects, but we have some hopeful topics. I will probably be talking to Pastor Kyle about it later today, when we hang out.

Well, class is nearly over... So I should get ready and leave.



Fifty Percent...

...of the worlds problems are my fault.

There has been a lot going on in my life lately. Things are getting to be pretty emotional. Not that it would show...

Lemme see if I can even remember all the things that are going on right now...

My grandfather has cancer of the prostate. I really hope he doesn't die, he is such a good man. I really don't know what would happen to my grandmother if he died. I suspect she would end up living with us, which would be good, but still sad.

My brother lost his job recently with which he was supporting his two kids and wife. He has been really depressed, worrying my parents immensely. They are totally at a loss for what to do, as this job had been a real life saver for him to have. I hope things start looking up for him soon.

I broke up with my girlfriend not so long ago. I'm not going post the nitty gritty of why here, as she has very much so expressed her desire for me to not talk about it with people. She says its our own personal business, with which I can agree. Needless to say though, it makes me very sad and hurt. But, that seems to be the way of things these days. Several of my friends appear to be breaking up this week, or at least on the rocks. :-(

Also, one of my material possesions has been greatly wounded. Poor old Kalvin. The kid never had a chance! He was too young to die! ;-D My car took a grievous hit today, his right eye taking the brunt of the hit. Bot his front legs are in dire need of new shoes too. At this time, I am going to decline to say who was at the wheel, however, I will say that I was in the back seat eating waffles...

Well. I guess thats what I have. Much sadness. Well, kinda.

With my grandfather, I know that whatever happens to him will be for the best, and that God will either take him home, or let him stay to continue his life long work.

With my brother, I know that things will be ok, already he is showing signs of vast improvement. Hopefully he will get a new job, one capable of supporting his family. I have faith that God will resolve all of whats going on with him right now.

With whats going on between Bobbie and I, I know that I did the right thing. Breaking up with her was hard, and probably the most emotionally painful thing I have ever had happen in my life, but I know that God will be working in both of us in the next year, and sending us where he wants to go. However, at this time, I hold doubts that where he sends us will be back towards each other.

With Kalvin... Kalvin is just a car, and nothing more. He will survive, he will go on. I will probably be fixing him on tuesday or wednesday. He will never be as handsome as he once was... These scars will probably stay with him the rest of his life. But with any luck, his life will hopefully still be long and fruitful, and not in any way dehabilitated by this accident.


Of course, this is not all that is going on in my life. There are other more trivial annoyances, but those things are just that, trivial. I'm working about 20 hours a week, plus college 5 days a week and youth leading on wednesday and the occasional event.

Speaking of events, I just got back not so long ago from the years second best event, MYC. Minnesota Youth Convention is usually pretty rocking, and this year was no exception. Since I was a Youth Leader (or Youth Sponsor, if you wanna get technical) it was free for me. I had 2 rooms, one with half senior highers, and half junior high, and the other with all junior high kids. Boy, junior high kids can be real rascles, but they are also very fun. As far as the rascality of it all, nobody used their bodily functions in unapropriate ways, which was a big plus. The speaker at convention was pretty uplifting, although he made almost no mention of the infilling of the holy ghost. That was kinda disapointing, because convention tends to be one of the foremost places that kids learn about it. Oh well, that wasn't meant to be his message. His main theme seemed to be on forgivness, to which only a handful of our students seemed to move to. I got to pray with a ton of our students, which was cool. One of the kids, for who I was their leader, was really happy when I prayed with him. I can still picture his large over joyed smile when I asked him if he would like prayer.

Mmmm... Good times!

Ahhh... *sigh*

Well I guess I better go, I have a paper do for the morning, but I haven't even read the research end of things yet. :-D Thats college for ya. And to think, I have a's or b's in all my classes.

Yup yup... Lifes good but sad. Guess maybe I will chatter into the wind some other day...





I know I haven't blogged much, and truthfully its unlikely that I will be doing much in the future. Right now I don't really feeling like putting an open forum on my emotions and experiences. I am kind of going through a lot of things, and I really just don't feel comfortable talking about things here. I will probably post little things now and again. About MYC or some anecdote from a teacher or how I really get confused by Mr Dallos. But, again, I would say that my desire to share things has reached an all time low, and things will probably be quiet the homefront.



So aggravating...

...To be mucking a round with the school databases. It seems like they are purposely designed to be inaccessible. The program constantly doesn't bring up what you request, and when it does, it usually crashes. I wish I could use it from home, but you can't, because the remote access doesn't actually work like it should.

:-( School, you make me sad.

On a lighter note, I worked last sunday. It was real slow. And even slower because I worked with Kathan. We talked a little bit to much. My supervisor didn't seem happy.

Oh well. It was really slow, and we got everything done alright.




Pretty Tired...

Well, today was my third day working at bridgemans, I went in early and left late. 7 and a half hours, isn't bad. I worked Friday, which is supposed to be the busiest day of the week, but it didn't seem nearly as busy as Thursday. Haha, this might sound silly but working a job seems like a fantastic diet plan.

I am very tired... But someone very special asked me to post, so I will continue on. I work 3 times in the coming week, once in the morning and twice in the evening. I work Friday again, which is fish day, and normally the busiest day of the week. I spent all morning slogging through English grammar work, which isn't very fun. I plan on spending a good portion of tomorrow doing history homework, which will be equally unfun. I aced a history quiz, which was super easy.

Oh, I guess I should let you all know, I have my drivers license, on the first try too! :-D But then again, I am sure that none of you had any doubts. Unfortunately, my moms car has been having some troubles, so we haven't really been given free reign over our car. Between my moms car problem and the gas prices, its a wonder we use the car at all.

Well... I think that I am going to call it quits!

I have sticky syrup on my arm. Its probably fudge or caramel. Ick. You have no idea how much food people waste everyday. Its disgusting. Whole entrees, salads and especially ice creams!

well... I am sure some of you are wondering about my hygiene, don't worry I'll keep brushing my teeth.



College, my first week.

I started college this week. It wasn't really hard. It was very interesting, but not very informative. In fact I would say that I have learned far less this week than I would have expected. Oh well.

I have English Comp 1, Intro to Sociology, Interpersonal communication and Minnesota History. I am going for my A.A. degree and hope to complete it in the next 2 years.

Oh well... This doesn't interest me much. For whatever reason I no longer desire to write about my life. I guess the phase has passed, it usually does.



The Spoken Word

Have you ever wondered what it would be like if you couldn't speak? Not if everyone couldn't speak, no, just you. I ask this because my voice totally hurts today. What would happen if I couldn't speak?

I would probably have to learn sign language, although I would much rather just carry a pad and pen around with me. I would have to give up a lot of things, really... Like singing, talking, laughing (maybe). I would have to stop talking to my girlfriend on the phone, or any of my friends for that matter. Hehe, it would a ton easier to hold my tongue now wouldn't it?

I have also been thinking a lot lately about goals. I have a lot of goals in my life. Some of them may be very well unreachable, but they are still goals. haha, check out some of them here...



Fight well my brethren!

So... Long time no post!

I think about my goals now and again. I guess I mostly keep them to myself, as they are very precious to me and hard fought to obtain.


Things have been pretty hectic lately, what with my grandfather having heart surgery, my brother recovering from cancer and every other small flurry of activity happening. I know I haven't been keeping up with my blog very well and that its been disappointing for some of my "Loyal Fans" but I guess that I needed a break from it for a while, which is ok.

I start college soon! Very soon indeed! The fifth of September if I remember right, although it is more than likely that I did not... I do very poorly with details which has never helped me one bit. I make do with what I have though, and I certainly have been given more than I need. Yes, I am a blessed man.

For a few moments I will let my foolishness cease.



Post lost in space...

I totally lost a post... It was a great one too...

But let me tell you about today. Click to read on...

I went to see my girl tonight! She was babysitting for a co-worker. The kid was named Reagan, she was four. It was a blast hanging out with my girl and watching this kid. We played at the playground for what seemed like forever. Wowza do kids have energy, they just seem to go forever. Bobbie would make a great mother.

Then at 8:30 we dropped Reagan back off at her house, and went home. We just lied around for half an hour until Deanne came and picked us up. We went out and about for awhile trying to think of something to do. We tried to go to "The top of the world" but it was closed. After that we went to a graveyard and just basically drove through it. Bobbies Grandpa was buried there. We continued our aimless pursuit of fun until we arrived at the race track. We got there after the race ended, and the track wasn't closed up at all... That's right you guessed it, we took a couple laps. But fear from the cops drove us off. Its not that they arrived or anything, we just got nervous and left. There were other cars on the track too, but we still felt scared.

sometime later, we proceeded to roll down a hill. Rolling down the hill was the best out of all I did today. We rolled 10+ times. We rolled in ones, twos and even all four of us at once. All four of us being Bobbie, Deanne, Thomas and myself. It was a blast. I am going to be sore in the morning though...


OH... Ps... The other post was about the land my father is looking at, and how I drove about 70 miles... Blah Blah Blah... It really was a good one though...

Say... You don't think that Google got rid of it because I was dissing them, do you?




I had a tiring weekend. I spent all of it with BigZ, and needless to say we didn't get enough sleep.

Life seems boring right now, even though I had a slightly exciting day. I went to see the land that my father hopes to buy. It is 120 acres, lots of marsh but good deer country. Public land right across the road, so that's a added benefit. Haha... So we just walked around the land checking it out... And I brought this machete from home and used it to hack a path through the brush... Kinda... It was fun!

I am so tempted to be a "drok" (that's right, drok) dork that is... By using dorky little smilies...

I did a lot of driving today, its seventy miles to the land, each way. Plus I was driving in lakeside, there are some step hills there, and lots of traffic. Surprisingly, the most frustrating part of the drive was the parking at home.
Oh, did I mention that I got a 1988 Plymouth Relient K? Check that link to see its worth via the N.A.D.A. standard. I was pretty amazed! Its in average-high retail condition, which is pretty cool. Everything works great! Haha, I should take a picture of my trunk to show the pristine carpet condition. The doors and windows all work like brandnew, surprisingly. Beautiful Car!

I ate at subway today... They really aren't very good next to Quiznos... It was freezing in the place! And no tray or napkins, and the service was terrible. Not to mention that it takes forever to "toast" your sub. I don't like their subs toasted. 'cause they are pathetic. I had a Chipolte Cheese Steak, but their wasn't any sauce on it. My sister had a normal Cheese Steak with sauce on it, which she didn't like. So I got hers and she got mine... And no, we weren't confused, because mine was a foot long and hers was a 6 inch. So really only half of mine was sauced.

Mmmm... Sauce...

Image hosted by Photobucket.com
A picture of my house from a Google satellite. They're watching ya know!

I both love and hate google. All their products are good... Yet they remain suspicious because of all the beta projects... And because all their products are to good to be true. But I will remain loyal until someone proves I shouldn't be. And I mean proves. Like really proves! Not just speculation, but a REAL smoking gun!

Haha... I love you google... For now... And remember kids, "Don't Be Evil!"

Who is Marissa Mayer anyways?




I had a tiring weekend. I spent all of it with BigZ, and needless to say we didn't get enough sleep.

Life seems boring right now, even though I had a slightly exciting day. I went to see the land that my father hopes to buy. It is 120 acres, lots of marsh but good deer country. Public land right across the road, so that's a added benefit. Haha... So we just walked around the land checking it out... And I brought this machete from home and used it to hack a path through the brush... Kinda... It was fun!

I am so tempted to be a "drok" (that's right, drok) dork that is... By using dorky little smilies...

I did a lot of driving today, its seventy miles to the land, each way. Plus I was driving in lakeside, there are some step hills there, and lots of traffic. Surprisingly, the most frustrating part of the drive was the parking at home.
Oh, did I mention that I got a 1988 Plymouth Relient K? Check that link to see its worth via the N.A.D.A. standard. I was pretty amazed! Its in average-high retail condition, which is pretty cool. Everything works great! Haha, I should take a picture of my trunk to show the pristine carpet condition. The doors and windows all work like brandnew, surprisingly. Beautiful Car!

I ate at subway today... They really aren't very good next to Quiznos... It was freezing in the place! And no tray or napkins, and the service was terrible. Not to mention that it takes forever to "toast" your sub. I don't like their subs toasted. 'cause they are pathetic. I had a Chipolte Cheese Steak, but their wasn't any sauce on it. My sister had a normal Cheese Steak with sauce on it, which she didn't like. So I got hers and she got mine... And no, we weren't confused, because mine was a foot long and hers was a 6 inch. So really only half of mine was sauced.

Mmmm... Sauce...

Image hosted by Photobucket.com
A picture of my house from a Google satellite. They're watching ya know!

I both love and hate google. All their products are good... Yet they remain suspicious because of all the beta projects... And because all their products are to good to be true. But I will remain loyal until someone proves I shouldn't be. And I mean proves. Like really proves! Not just speculation, but a REAL smoking gun!

Haha... I love you google... For now... And remember kids, "Don't Be Evil!"

Who is Marissa Mayer anyways?



Cheat Sheet

So I am planning some revamping.

Check it!

Teh end


Trash from Yahoo

So I checked out Grokker today. It is junk. I felt that it made searching a lot longer and harder process. And after only 3 searches it crashed my browser. I have never had FireFox Crash on me before.

So disappointing. It really looked like it could have been fun. But it was slow and frankly useless. Of course it is still beta. So I shouldn't be to harsh. I guess it will probably improve. Hopefully to something that doesn't crash your browser.

Oh well..

So some sicko came and commented on my last post. I was really disturbed. I sent a letter to Blogger Support asking what can be done. They replied with a form letter... Hopefully they will take what I have said into consideration. There must be something they can do.

I need to go do homework. It seems like a long time since I have done some, even though its only been the weekend.

Gotta scoot



I no be done!

Because my tray table up and my seat is in the full up right position.

I blogged a post over here!

Thats Brookes blog!

I hope she is not mad!

That blogger mobile thing looks really interesting. I wish that I could actually use it... Oh Well!




I would not say that I have an elitist view of technology, as much as I would say that I wish to see people apply themselves to the technology they have. Often enough I have to help someone do something with technology. That doesn't bother me, what does bother me is when that same person repeatedly asks me to do the same thing, taking no note of how its done. For me technology is generally simple, for others it can be hard. I respect that. I just wish they would make some effort.

Can everyone make an effort? Yes! Everyone can. Can everyone learn? No, it would seem that not everyone can. For some it is to much. My grandfather, a very intelligent man would much rather write a letter than an email. I can understand. Getting used to something so new and hassle ridden, you might as well stick with what you know.

I was very impressed with my father the other day because he took note of how to turn on closed captioning. He made some effort, and it pleased me. Will he continue to ask me to do it? Oh yes, no doubt about it!

Its not that I don't like people who don't make the effort, its just that they are disapointing. They could learn, all they have to do is try. I guess they must be to busy or something...



For Good, Or For Awesome?

"For those about to Rock" I salute you.

That was an awesome concert! It had Pillar,TFK,John Reuben and Dizmas. John Reuben stole the show though! I don't even like rap, but his music kicked! He was on the mark, and his jokes were hilarious. He was manipulating the crowd like a master puppeteer. The most crowd participation gotten out of one T-shirt I have ever seen! It was so much fun.

 Check it! My ticket in still perfect condition. It never got checked. I don't know why, but it didn't.

that's right! So next time you really should go! Because it was such a good concert. Besides, what are we going to tell John Reuben? We can't just tell him you didn't want to go! I mean, he deserves so much more than that! You can't just let him down! You wouldn't want him to let you down...

Well... Next time you'd better show up... So you can throw up your rawkfist with us!





Check it!

Google and its philanthropic dreams

We Love You Google!


Somedays thats just what I am.

Check out PostSecret. Yes its sad, but its the world in which we live. Those are the people you talk to everyday. The men and women who form your community. A lot of those people aren't anysort of special case.

Brr... My house feels cold and drafty today. I don't know why. I think that I will go put on a pair of socks. There now my feet aren't as cold. But it is still pretty chilly in here. I put on a jacket. It makes things a little better...

So I just got duped into taking a survey over at Gamespy, I totally thought it was for gamespy when I began, but the further in I got the more doubts I had about the survey. So I just held back a lot of information. Oh Well, as long as they don't send me junk.

I am almost ready to start using my template I made from scratch. We will see I guess. I really should start using it now so that I will get sick of it sooner and make myself a new one sooner.



Listen to my soothing voice...

this is an audio post - click to play

Haha... Some how this makes me think of Kip from Napoleon Dynamite



SpaceMeat Is Soylent Green!

So... I am sick... and totally not feeling good...

I read an article in the NYTimes today about how watching T.V. really can make you smarter. The complex storylines woven in some of todays best T.V. can make people more cognitive. The person who wrote the article suggested that T.V. be rated by how much it makes viewers think. Some shows are informational, but don't really make you think. Neat stuff, all in all...

I really should have had more to say... but I am awfully listless when sick... I just lose interest in everything...



I am so confused.

I just don't understand.

E-mail the Pope!

Send the Pope an e-mail! Telling him to excommunicate France!

Email him in English! benedictxvi@vatican.va
Email him in Italian! benedettoxvi@vatican.va

I don't agree with the Catholic Church, or its ways, but I do believe that the Pope could do a lot of good for the world morally. OR He could do a lot of bad. It isn't easy being Pope, I should know.

Space Pope!

"I'm Blogging This"

I discovered Google Scholar today! Its a very interesting to search with. You find all sorts of documents you might not every find otherwise. Like I searched blogging, and found a dearth of articles. I just finished reading an article from some students at Standford. They wrote on blogging. It was kind of stimulating, but not really. They spoke about blogs as a place for "thinking while writing" and such. *sigh* Yeah, only kind of interesting.

Don't forget to read the rest of my rant!

Oh! I just found the Visual Thesaurus! I have seen this before but never played with it. It looks wonderful! I saw it once, years ago on TSS. I miss those guys. I haven't downloaded the podcast, but I might. Since its done in podcasting, I don't know if I want to sit and listen to half an hour of audio. Maybe I will though.

I feel like my paragraphs are getting smaller and smaller. The more I write the more I feel like spacing my text dramatically. I keep putting less and less sentences together. I don't know why. I can't explain. I think it might have something to do with seeing so many posts from people who don't know that they can start new paragraphs. I am sure you have all seen them. People do it all the time. Especially at Xanga.com. I feel that Xanga has a lower quality blog out put than Blogger. I think its bloggers just tend to be younger at Xanga. And the web design skills displayed there continually appall me. Ughh... The neon frame designs kill my eyes.

I don't know what I think about places like Movable Type, My Space or livejournal. I guess its great that there are so many options, but sometimes I feel like the different flavors detract from the blogging atmosphere. Take my space for instance, it really just seems like a social network instead of a blogging tool. Which very well maybe what it is... In the end good blogging comes down to the individual person. How much time and effort he puts into it. I don't care if you write well, as long as you put effort into your posts.

Yeah... Well... I think that's it for this ramble folks.



Blogger... I hate you

Ok... Blogger hasn't been working at all today...

And all the blogs powered by it seem sluggish and slow to upload, if they do at all...


Getting "chewed out"

Ok... So I left the computer on up stairs, and I totally got chewed out for it. Which is ironic in away because BigZ was supposed to be there so people could be up there. But I am glad that I got chewed out and not him. I would have felt bad if he got chewed out. Although I was pretty certain that the announcement team was going to use the computer to edit a video for Wednesday. But whatever... I guess I take the blame for this one.



Blogging the Art, Blogging the Style

I feel that Blogging, in a sense, is an artform. A beautiful artform that can yield equally beautiful results. Some people have wonderful blogs, that are unique and special in their own sense. Built with love and care, long hours poured into making them something worth while. And on the other end of the scale there are blogs into which no time or thought has been spent. Poorly written posts bluntly making points about this or that. Written as though words were a cudgel and not a sword.

Click below to continue

Blogging does not come easily to all. Some need a great deal of practice to make something worth reading. For others it flows easily, going from their mind to the screen as though they were linked. Some need to look high and low to find something to post on. But for others its as though they have to hold back some of what they have, lest they never stop writing.

The best blog of all maybe the one that is done for joy, and not for greed. Some writers enjoy plying their trade, writing about this or that of interest. Their cheer making the posts almost come alive in their hands. Others plot to make easy money from blogging. Quickly spitting out posts, hoping for money to come just as quickly.

But however a person blogs, they shouldn't worry about what others think of it. If you are writing just for money, be proud of your entrepreneurship. If you write for the sake of writing, good for you! Be proud of what you have written!

In the end, it still comes down to the blog

Expandable Posting?

Hello! I think that I have made my posts expandable!

Which I hope will make my blog much more professional looking. Not that it really matters because no one reads it. But it will still be fun!

So About the Church blog...

I have been thinking that the easiest way to make the church blog real would be to just start making it! I would like to have two sidebars, one on the right, and another on the left. The one on the right having Links and such, the one on the left having pertinent information. It would be really easy to add video to it and sound. Podcasting might even be an option, all though I doubt the real use for it. Pictures of course would be a breeze. I would like to add permalinks in the left hand sidebar for information on the worship team and upcoming events. I guess I would like the template to be pretty simple, nothing to complex.

I don't know if I would like to add links to other blogs or not. Probably not, even though on some level I would love for my blog and my friends blogs to be linked to it. But there really isn't anything that you can do about it, they just can't be there. It wouldn't be right in some sense. I shouldn't gain from something I did out of charity.



You Vlog!

OK, here it goes. Lets follow my crazy trail to learn about vlogging!

So first, you are going to want to get an account at Flickr or PhotoBucket. I am using PhotoBucket. I just like that company more. Then you will need to upload a picture to your account. This picture should be of whatever your going to vlog about. As you can see in my previous post I used a picture of Bishop...

Then you will want to get an account from Internet Archive. And then you will need to Download the CreativeCommons Uploader. After you install the Uploader, you should run it and follow its step by step instructions. That will upload it to the Internet Archive, which in turn will process it. The process they run it through can take some time, but it shouldn't to long. Mine was processed in a couple of hours, but I assume it can take longer.

After you upload it, you should get its URL and the URL for your picture. Then you should put this bit of code in your Post to make it a picture you can click on like mine.


I am not really into hand holding so its not very in depth, but if you want some help, feel free to ask.



I vlog!

K! So Check it! I finally VLOG! It took me a while. Like 3 days of actual work, but its fun! K, so watch it now!

Baby Bishop

Click the picture for the video!

I will explain all about how I did it in the next post!


The Dying Christian to his Soul

VITAL spark of heav'nly flame!
Quit, O quit this mortal frame:
Trembling, hoping, ling'ring, flying,
O the pain, the bliss of dying!
Cease, fond Nature, cease thy strife,
And let me languish into life.

Hark! they whisper; angels say,
Sister Spirit, come away!
What is this absorbs me quite?
Steals my senses, shuts my sight,
Drowns my spirits, draws my breath?
Tell me, my soul, can this be death?

The world recedes; it disappears!
Heav'n opens on my eyes! my ears
With sounds seraphic ring!
Lend, lend your wings! I mount! I fly!
O Grave! where is thy victory?
O Death! where is thy sting?

By Alexander Pope

That is my favorite poem.


Wish I had...

So... You all know that I am a tad net savy. Which always makes me want to be a bit more. I really wish I could register my own domain. So I could have my own site. However, I don't really know how. I suspect that no matter how one does it though, you need 3 things.

  1. Money
  2. A server
  3. A constant Connection
Which aren't huge deals. I also wish I had a server so I could video log. And I could server music to myself, no matter where I was. That would be fun. Not to mention that with a constant connection I could server my own files for everything. I could use FTP or what not to server my own photos and video. It would be fun. Or at least I would have fun. Yeah yeah, oh yeah!


But wait, theres more!

K... So I found 2 good file hosts. One is TinyPic, and the other is RapidShare

I am also going to check out Flickr and PhotoBucket more. I might like doing things this way better than I like Hello.

Here is a pic from TinyPic:

Image hosted by TinyPic.com
Which is pretty Nice! I wish that I could type around it more though... Like all the way around it.

They shrink down all the pics you post with them. The one I have featured above started as about 900 kilobytes, now it is about 90 kilobytes. I don't know how long the keep them, they really don't say. But thats ok, since nobody will see this after a week. The maximum image "size" is 250, but even with such large file sizes they can get 4,ooo pics per gigabyte. But judging from how far down they shrunk my pic, they could be getting upwards of 10,000. Pretty sweet deal. I think that I like them even more than RapidShare. I will check out PhotoBucket and see how they are.



I guess I am going to go...


Sometimes I just wanna give up...

... and thats the truth

It isn't easy to see the bright side all the time. So when I look to the darkside, its pitch black. No light shines through.


Somedays I want so much to not have to fight anymore... Somedays I just want to lie down and die.



If it all worked right...

This Should be a link to a download for a movie of baby Bishop... idk though...

Check it out though... I am going to continue looking for free server space.



So... It does work! Its not fantastic, but it works. I realize what I uploaded is also of a pretty poor quality. But thats ok, it proves that it can be done. haha... I am almost tempted to spend money and get a real quality file host. Oh well!


I was just reading about this years Bloggies. Kind of interesting who won. I know that its been a long time since they happened, but still interesting.

Check this site out, its all about pirated web design. Pretty funny really.

haha, I just heard an awesome quote!

"that's like lemmings telling you that you have a problem with peer pressure."

Owww... My toe really hurts, I stubbed it really bad on the secretary. I was going to go vacuum but now that my toe hurts so bad, I would rather not. Oh Well!

Have all of you downloaded StumbleUpon yet? Well, you had better, because it sure can be fun!

This is so scary... Its as if "All My Base Do Belong To Them!"

Well... I suppose I should stop surfing the net and talk with you. Interesting as it is to go where I have been, I know you would rather know what's on my mind, right?

Ok, I can handle that. So... My Girlfriend has decided now that she is going to masters. Which is kind of sudden and new. I am a little bit disappointed, I will admit. She had been saying that she was going to move to Duluth and go to LSC. Which would have been nice. Instead she will be gone for 9 months to Master's commission in Dallas, Texas. But we can hack it, I guess. But only because we have to. In some ways I think that it will be good for us. But I am guessing that we are going to have to fall in love all over again, do to the drastic changes in our lives. Not that we won't be in love with each other while we are apart, its just that we won't be the same people we were when she left. But that is life, and I am confident in my God that he will see me through it.

Yeah yeah, oh...

My friend Big Z and I seem to have large differing opinions about Christian music. I guess I stand strongly for edification in music. I question some of the mainstream Christian music that I listen to, and its what everyone listens to. Some of the songs about girls and stuff. They are seemingly pointless. I really dislike the ones involving break ups. My favorite band is one that I question strongest. I really like the music but at the same time it seems like it can be very bitter and angry. Sigh... Its not an easy thing to think about. Rejecting your favorite band on the principle that its not edifying. I will be continually thinking about this until I reach my answer. Of course this all brings to light video games... Should I really be playing them? I guess I don't think about these things enough. I should examine in what spirit I am playing these games. How do they effect me? Do the have a tendency to make me sin? Do they draw me towards things they shouldn't? What about the books I read?

Sigh... Its sad that some Christians think that they shouldn't even ask these questions. Some just assume that whatever desire they have comes from God.

*Shakes Head*

Yeah... About time for introspection again, both Bobbie and I have been feeling that. Rightio...

I think I am going for a bike ride. Its a beautiful day out, and I will bring you my camera, hopefully I will have something to show you!



Girls just want guys with skills...

...Blogging skills...

Hey Hey Hey!

One thing I wish Blogger had was the ability to tab in. I mean seriously, how hard could that be? Oh well, Blogger does a good job, and I am hoping that they will keep up the good work. I wish that the status bar would come back up too... I really wish I knew how many words/posts I have.

Yeah Yeah Yeah YEAAAAAH!

K... well.. I am bored...



Wow... Some days I am depressed.

Not today though.

Ok, so I have an account over at DeviantART right? Well, I was reading what I had written a long time ago, and some of it was scary depressing. Like serious talk about suicide. No mamsy pambsy talk. Just straight up admission that I wanted to die. Decently good writting, but really scary.

I posted a couple of pictures there, not half bad ones either. Yeah!

So, I really need to sit down and finish my template.


Comment code...

K, so check this out. I have been writting my own template right? Right...

Which mean everything is less than beautiful, but it still functions. No comments. Why no comments you ask? Because I think that there is something wrong with the divsions I am using. I don't know how to fix it yet. I know how to make a link to the post page, but I want something a little more elegant than that. Well... maybe I will stick it on anyways. K...


You guessed it!

I'm doing my own template!



K... well... right now I have all the functional code it. Next is the pretty graphical design!


Vlogging, now and again...


Yeah, I still haven't changed my template, I know. But soon, I promise...

Ok, 2 totally cool links for ya!

This is Torrentocracy! It sounds so cool! That is exactly the sort of thing the internet needs. Pure personal content, with the ability to broadcast anywhere. So Sweet!

The other one is... MythTv! I haven't decided if its legal yet. I think it must be... But the name "Myth" has been linked to some other not so legal activities. Anywhoo, its all pretty neat stuff...




I hate having such a public blog. I can't post all my feelings and thoughts here anymore.


I know no one can comment right now, but I know some of you still read it. I am going to get right on that comment thing, soon. Check out my other blogs in the mean time. I have 5 of them. Especially check out this one.

Talk to you all later...


I am never Giving Up

Never post out of anger and frustration.




Ugh... I feel gross... I think I ate to much. We had a chicken dinner at church tonight, and I had just a little bit to much chicken or something, because I haven't felt good since then.


I want to talk to my girl, but she isn't home... I hope she gets home soon...



Google, I LOVE YOU!

Ok, so check this out...

Not only is Google a really useful search engine, that is totally helpful. They also own Blogger, which is another sweet free service. Oh, and lets not forget Gmail, which is a "TEH" rockin' awesome email service, better than yahoo or hotmail. Boy, and just when I thought that they couldn't get any better the come out with Google Gulp! Google... I just wanted to say I love you...


I love the privacy policy at the bottom... That rocks. Google you made me laugh today. I usually don't like companys that are bigger, but boy oh boy, I can't wait to see you when your done growing.



The other old Hiaku

Beautiful Rose

A rose has petals
So much beauty can you see
Petals fall from the sky


Just thinking...

This is a Hiaku that I wrote once...

I liked it, so I am posting agian...

Epic Hero

The wind blowing swift
Epic Hero Travels on
Carrying his dream far


I am using Zoundry...

Hey all...
I am just trying out Zoundry, because I heard that it was good. However, it doesn't seem very nice, so I probably won't be using it. Blogger offers the same features... So why change and start using this?
Yeah, whatever...
I want one! Why can't we have one?

The Art *O* Mat looks so cool. I want to buy art from it... But there aren't any in Minnesota, the nearest is in Wisconsin. Those poops...

Bobbie is unhappy with my internet habits, she thinks it useless... Just a waste of time. *sigh*

Well... I am off...


Do you think...

That the blogger staff has every read my blog?

Its kind of an interesting thought, that the staff could have read your blog...

I would guess that maybe once they have, but then again, almost certainly not. I imagine that they only go to ones that have lots of links attached to them, or that get a lot of traffics. But I guess I don't really know...

Alright Alright!


P.S. HERE! This is where I got this template, there are several other nice ones, which I would recommend using.



I fixed the comments, but only after bumbling through the poorly written comment code of this template. It was really tiring. But it was worth it, because I really like this template. In the end, I decided to take a great portion of the comment code from a different template to fix my template. It actually worked pretty slick.

Blogger has issues. I really wish that they would fix the status problems, because I would love to know my status... But, I don't want to whine, because this service is free, and they are doing a decent job. I love them despite their flaws.

OK! I am going to bed...




Hey All...


I changed the template and now the comments don't work. I am so disapointed too... Such a cool template too...

If you know how to fix it, please tell me!

Thank ya!



What? Shut Up Matt!


Oh! Here is one more linky! The CIA World FactBook. Its really nice. I have enjoyed my browsing through it.

Did you hear that Sony got sued, and has been ordered to halt sales of the playstation2, based upon the controller vibrations?


I was supposed to post a bunch of stuff here for Big Z, but I didn't... I guess I got bored or something... MATT! Don't forget their is a spell checker... And don't forget to start a second paragraph.


You ever get that feeling like your being hacked?


So FireFox was maxing out system resources for like 5 mininutes. It was crazy. And not enjoyable at all. I guess I should run Norton and see if he has anything to say.

A new SBemail about pants? Pretty funny! One of these days I am totally writting in about StrongDad. I wanna know! I wanna know!



This is a cool web site: Net Disaster! I am sure we all know a website that we would love to abuse...

IGN anyone?

I also read about a interesting publication called "BlackBook"Its a magazine that writes on blogging and such. Kind of neat, but I really am not fond of their website...

Wow... Here is a blog that I could read everyday! Very well written, and it has the inside scoop on things. Really a sad story that they wrote about. I wish things like that didn't happen.

"The Governor literally appointed Sadr's office as judge, witness and law-enforcer. We might even say that the Sadrists were in fact rewarded for their vile act. What would the Ministry of Higher Education say about this? Or the Ministry of Interior? Or our ludicrous Human Rights Ministry, which only seems interested in what kind of cookies Saddam is having with his tea, or in Ali Hassan Majid's nocturnal toilet activities."


Well... That was my short thought of the day. No, nothing original, but all interesting things.

Bobbie was up for the weekend. We had fun just hanging out, it seems like no matter how much time we get together, its not enough. I can't wait until she can move down here for college. That will be the best, being able to see here decently often. YAY!



I went SnowShoeing today, it was pretty fun. Checking out pretty country is always fun.


Wha Wha Whaaaa!

The called conference "teh" rocked. It totally rocked. It rocked my socks off. It was "teh" rockin' Awesome.

Alright Alright!

Yeah. But I have to go take a shower and go to Church.



I Learn...


I was just reading this. I love that site. And others like it. Hacker dictionaries fascinate me to no end. Such a wonderful subculture. Of course I can only ethically agree with white hats, I still like the culture as a whole. Although I detest script kiddies, and can't believe that some people consider them hackers.

I think I might start tagging my posts. Just for fun. I don't know if I did it right, I am pretty sure I did. I am using the TUT put out by Improbulus, and Book Marklet?( is that what its called?) put out by OddioPhile. Good stuff...

Hopefully it works...



Breaking News!

Hey all...

I thought I might as well post what is new and happening in the world.

Yet another crazy thing sold on ebay! You have to love the madness...

Man finally creats a "Black Hole" Its pretty interesting actually, who would have thought that it would happen in my lifetime.

Well... Thats my short update for now. Just what I thought was interesting. I suppose most of you have already seen these links. Enjoy...

You know, I really should link more. Its the kind thing to do. Spread the love and all that jazz.

Some people put links in their paragraphs all over the place. Me? I don't tend to, as I am an isoblogger. I should be more of an extra-linkerblogger. Isn't that what its called. I don't remember. Well, whatever it is, you know what I mean.

I was reading about this nifty trick where you Span the first couple of words in your pargraphs, and it looked pretty nice. But you know me, I am to under motivated to add to my blog. Unless I really get going at it, nothing happens. If I were to be that motivated I would get a different template again.

Well, I am off to the play, wish me luck.

Hahaha, saying goodbye for the 7th time... Yeah, I totally live in Minnesota. And thats why its a Minnesota goodbye...




Hey all!

I am so bored.

I am have been at the college for only 5:30 hours and I am already bored. I suppose its because I am not taking all the classes that I am have been sitting in on. Or maybe its because I have already spent an hour on the computer.

Yeah Yeah Yeah!


Hey Hey Hey!!!


I am over at LSC today, just chilling and checking things out.
I don't know what I think yet. As I have spent all my time in the library on this computer so far.


I am tired, and I feel totally drunk. I am typing all wonky. I don't know if its because I am tired ,or because of the keyboard. Maybe both.

Yeah yeah.

Things have been really hard with Bobbie lately. For whatever reason, everything seems to be going wrong with her. Its really agravating, that everthing would go well with me, but poorly with her. I would trade places with her in a heart beat. It seems so unfair to both of us. I wish that there was more I could do to help...




Baby Bishop! He makes me an Uncle. My Brother Peters first child.

You ever feel dumb?

I do. Right now.

You ever say the wrong thing?

I did. Just awhile ago.




News Bulletin Report


Things are still pretty slow on the home front.

Where are the Updates you say? Yes, I am wondering that too. I bet you feel a little bit like "This guy"

Bobbie and I are still dating, and we are having a lot of fun getting to know each other. We have only had disagreements two or three times, and when we do, we always make up fast, with no hard feelings. She is very much so the women I wish to spend the rest of my life with.

K... Well I have to go...



Signs of Life

Signs of Life

A comical website!

I have been enjoying the commentary a bunch.



She hits the mark, the Candles spark but...

My Valentines day was "teh" rockin' awesome!

hehe, then again so is every day I get to spend with my girl. But that day was especially special.

I brought her a dozen red roses and a box of chocolates. And then the gifts that I had sent in the mail arrived to. Heh... The ones I sent in the mail felt pretty lame. Ughh... Now I wish I hadn't sent them.

Oh well!



Le Select Bistro & bar, Toronto - Arts and entertainment events

So... I know you have all been wondering what is up with me lately...

Not a whole lot... Just building a bridge to be free. Enjoying the new and wonderful expeirance of having a girlfriend.

Yup Yup...

I was going to speak some more, but I just made bacon and eggs and such... must be off...


Dear America...

How has your day been today?

Has the government been running well?

How goes the war?

Is the environment doing ok?

Is the stock market stable?

Well, I have just been thinking of you today, so I thought I would write you a letter. I hope things go well for you. If you need anything, just gimme a call. And beware of those U.N. bullies, they aren't very nice kids.



Well... Maybe...

I guess somethings have happened...

I gave Jo her Christmas present, which was a tanzonite ring, with 6 diamonds. Its a white gold band with heart cut outs on it. She liked it.

Its my promise to her that some day I will ask her to marry me. Which I suppose is a big deal... ;-)


I dunno... I suppose there are more things, but they avoid my mind right now, and I will just have to think about it and post more later.

Haha, this is somewhat how my normal journal goes, I forget all the important things when they become common place in my mind.

The phone lines down in mexico are slow and maybe tired. I guess all your devotion got lost inside the wires.


I haven't posted in forever...

I guess I just don't have a whole lot to say. Nothing much is new.

I guess...

