
Hey all...

I guess I haven't been up to much lately... Some of the hibbing kids were up on wednesday, and then again on friday, which was cool... Always nice to see friends from distant places.

Just haven't had much to say. Been real busy, and haven't posted much... hehe... Which I know is real disapointing for all of you. But then again, most of you have stopped posting for great lengths of time with out saying anything to anyone...




Hey Hey Kids!

"And your mother tried to show me all the lazer crabs..."

Thats my quote for the day. I figure Christina might even know where its from. Oh, wait, I can't help but talk about where its from... Its from "Strong Bad sings and other type hits!" Hahahahaha that CD rocks. Right now I am listening to "The Cheat is not dead" which is a southern gospel type song, which rocks... BUT NOT AS MUCH AS BUTT ROCK!

I'm moving very slowly... moving very slowly... slowerly slowerly slowerly...

:-D LimoZine rocks!

Funny though, that I don't find most of HomeStarRunner.com funny... Just a couple of bits...

Well, things have been pretty chill here lately, just not much happening I guess.

I beat all of D&D: Heros in just 3 days... Short game. A good game takes at least 40 hours. This must have taken only 15-20 hours. :-l




I wrote a whole post, and it didn't show up...


Especially because I wrote poetry down, and since lightening never strikes twice, I will never have back those words I wrote... haha, oh well, it wasn't any good anyways...

*sigh* Hmm... I should write a wish list. I wish I weren't so vain. I wish I weren't so shallow. I wish I spent more time in thought... Ughh... Again I am whinning pointlessly about things that don't trully matter. Haha, maybe if I were more perceptive I could gather better ways to whine. But for me, nope, not going to happen. Its late and I am sick, and for whatever reason I am being down on myself. I think its just the same old same old. I wish people didn't read this. At least then I could hide the fact that I am incompetent and an idiot and that my life is going nowhere. *sigh* Why do I even write such things? I know that what I am saying isn't true, but I guess thats just how I feel right now. haha... I think I just wrote down a depression that lasted 30 seconds... New record maybe... I should really go to bed...

I wish it would rain...
