

I wrote a whole post, and it didn't show up...


Especially because I wrote poetry down, and since lightening never strikes twice, I will never have back those words I wrote... haha, oh well, it wasn't any good anyways...

*sigh* Hmm... I should write a wish list. I wish I weren't so vain. I wish I weren't so shallow. I wish I spent more time in thought... Ughh... Again I am whinning pointlessly about things that don't trully matter. Haha, maybe if I were more perceptive I could gather better ways to whine. But for me, nope, not going to happen. Its late and I am sick, and for whatever reason I am being down on myself. I think its just the same old same old. I wish people didn't read this. At least then I could hide the fact that I am incompetent and an idiot and that my life is going nowhere. *sigh* Why do I even write such things? I know that what I am saying isn't true, but I guess thats just how I feel right now. haha... I think I just wrote down a depression that lasted 30 seconds... New record maybe... I should really go to bed...

I wish it would rain...


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