

I am so tired of school. Tired of babies. Tired of being a youth leader. Tired of work.

I need a nap!

I wish I could tab in paragraphs. There should be a button on the editor. Or at least they could turn the editor into a true WYSIWYG editor. That would be nice. I wish there was one of those for the template editing. I mean, google could do it if it wanted. It would sure reel in more of a user base. Heck that sort thing could help lure away the unwashed from MySpace.



Elder Crack

Hey Kidz!

Yeah, I got my system and all the jazz... Oblivion is phenomnal. I have actually gasped while walking around, just because of how beautiful the landscape can be. The flowers, the grasses and the smoke are all superb. W00T! However, I should be totally honest and say that the frame rate does stutter now and again. But that really doesn't bother me, considering most of the load times are gone, or if not gone, then reduced.


I am enjoying it. I needed a break.


Core Vs Pro


This morning I traded in my xbox and games and controllers. The whole lot. All my phat lewt. Well, everthing that I didn't want. I got 78 dollars for it all in all. Pretty good if you ask me. I was trading in things that were just junk to me. Some of the items fetched less than a dollar, but others turned out to be worth much more than I had even hoped.

Well, I didn't really think that this was much of a question, until I learned that the "pro" or "premium" version was out of stock. Plus, the bundle I was thinking of getting turns out to contian aprox. 80 dollars worth of junk I don't need. I may perhaps get a core basic bundle. But I am just not sure if that is exactly what I want. One of the reasons I object to getting the core system is that it contains no media remote, or hd tv cables (not that I will have a hd tv anytime soon). However, on the other hand, if I do buy a core basic bundle, it comes with the remote, which I would love.

Hmm... decisions to make...



Rawr! Here be pirates!

Sorry... Just felt like "saying" it.

Soooo.... Here I am, its 2pm and I am sitting in Mr. Kapkes CompII class. He handed out notebooks, so now every student can surf the net and play solitare. Which is exactly what most students do. I haven't had much of a chance to work on my final for the class, because some of my much needed source materials haven't arrived yet. Which is kind of depressing because it is a 8 page paper that is worth 65% of my grade.

ACK! my notebook is forcing a restart on me!


Since I have been thinking more or less about the 360, I've decided to make short list of mamsy pamsy "I want"ish nish. I'm not saying I am going to buy these things, or that I even need them... But if anything you can say that I am browsing.

Like I said before, I don't plan on buying all this junk. Just a list of wants, not needs.

Ya Know...

Loooooookin' to buy a 360... Just looookin'

So. I've done the math, and my best bet is to get it from gamestop. I can trade in my xbox for $100, and some games for a bit. My DS' could go for $50 there, but I have them in the paper for $75. I already sold one, and a minor accessory in $80. I have a couple of DS games that I will sell to gamestop for another little bit.

So... Altogether that would take a significant edge off the price bite.


Not too shabby. However, there is still a bit of cost involved. I think that I will foot the bill as soon as possible, regardless of whether I have sold the second DS. I'd like to do it that way because the 360 is so hard to obtain lately. They announced that there would be "no more shortages". However, it's been only two weeks to be fair. But shouldn't that have had everything nailed down before making the announcement?

Oh, well!

Patent Pending

I was just reading this. It is an interesting article regarding apples copy right infrigment on bursts patents. Apparantly apple thought they could get away with it...

I wish blogger would bring back the profile stats.

Gotta go to Utopian Images!


Google Calender

MMMmmm... Googlie!

K... Check this out kidz! Google Calender is exactly what you never knew you needed, but believe me you do! Confusing as that may sound, it is a sweet service. The calendar features are all pretty standard. Events, times, places etc etc... But the real neat features are those revolving around sharing your calendar with others. They are quick and easy! I shared my calendar with BigZ in a matter of minutes. I can now see when he is busy, and he can likewise see when I am busy. We are already enjoying the prospect of knowing when we can hang out and such. There is even plans in the works I hear to make a comprehensive integration with gmail.

Sooo! You should all give it a swing, and if you like it, add me to your calendar links. (most likely I'll just add you to my list. So if you want to see what is up with me, you'll have to join too!)

Happy National Poetry Month!



Well, since I just paid my last payment to school, and it is almost over, I've decided I should reward myself with a 360. Err... That isn't to say that I am all done paying my loan off, but that the school has all the money it needs for my tuition. Yeah... But right, I am tired, and have been working hard and would really like one, so I think I'll get one. I have a bunch of stuff to trade in on one anyways.


Thought I would keep you all posted.



Lazy Blogger

You know, if I were not such a lazy blogger... I would have more content and more code.

I am really tempted to devote a couple of hours some time soon to setting up categories, a shout box, a flickr window and more...

I should really make a new template... again...


Do the math...

My bank account would probably be much happier if I did the math. It seems to me that all too often I spend money on frivalous things. Things that I don't really need. I think I shall commit myself to saving more money! I really should save up to pay for college, to pay for an xbox 360, to pay for a new car. There are many things I should save up for.

..that can't really be right can it...

I'm making aproximately 200 dollars a month. Not much I know, but its all I have time for. I should start giving plasma twice a week. Someone told me that it's 35 dollars a pop, but I don't know if I believe that. If I did that it would be almost as much as I make now from my job. However, that can't really be right can it? At least, I don't think it can. But if it were, it sure would be helpful. I would almost be tempted to post pone working again until the summer. Of course, that wouldn't be a very long time, now would it? Did you know most people below the poverty line have jobs? It is true, and yes still saddening.