

Hey, I got my hair cut! Like 3 inches off. Making it a whopping 2 to 3 inches long. Exciting hey! It was for e-night. I had an extreme makeover. They even put in highlights. Most people really like it. I think its ok. They cut off my side burns, well... most of them at least. Now they are just above my ears, instead of like an inch below.

So... Right now I am searching for stuff on slapstick. Which has like no resources. Its great. I need to have a routine and chrachter by tomorrow. Yeah! Thats rocks... I have been working on it some, but I am far from being complete. My charcter is gonna be a used car sales men type. A straight man if you will. I hope it works well. I just don't know.



So yeah.

Today I wrote a bunch of plot line. but it didn't get posted... yippe!



So... Hmmm...

Its always hard to decide on names for charachters. I really haven't decided yet.

Jotting the Plot:

I think I would like to start with exactly what was happening before the "end" of the world. Probably looking at politcs and army policy. It will probably be an alternate type history. Kinda. Maybe I will set a huge conspiricy, of sorts, into the begining. With some unsaid orginazation achieving rule, than having a fallout among the most powerfull members. Thus, they get each other nuked. Maybe not that simple, but something like that. Yeah...

Than I would go onto the main charachter, and I would explain how he was a soldier, until he killed some other soldiers, on accident. He will have gotten kicked out for this, and have to be exiled...

Symbols and Images. ..

rides here... gotta go...

I will come back to this again later.



About that Novel

Hmmm... I have already thought of a some plot and stuff, but I am always really under motivated to actually start writting anything because I am not a good writer. I enjoy it, but I enjoy just thinking about it more, maybe.

I got a cool comment on my xanga. LoL, my xanga account is just so I can comment on other xangas.

well, besides feeling emotionally drained, I suppose I am doing just fine. As usually. *edit* Thats right! As usually *edit*

My cats lip was bleeding today. She is getting really old. I suppose she will be dying soon... I say this because she is sitting here watching my bowl of hamburger helper, hoping I will give her some. And of course I will.

Hehe... I forgot I am already writting a book. This blog is all part of storybook. My journal/diary thingie. I would like to give it to one of my kids some day. Then they can laugh at me, and my retarted life.

Yeah... Exciting....

Yay for failure!

So, my computer hates me. And not just a mild dislike, seriously it hates me. It doesn't work at all again. I give up. Its never going to work. Its dead set against working.

So, today I was thinking about writting a book. Or well, a novel really. About a post- apocalypse world, with some story having to do with this and that in the age after the apocalypse. I haven't decided if the world was supposed to end now or the near future, or in the distant future. Hard to say. Easiest to write it in the near future but far enough away that some fantastic things could be in the novel.

gotta go


HAHAHA! Victoroius once again!

So, I go and look at my cpu fan right? And I am all like... Theres gotta be something wrong here, right? So I poke around a little, check all my connections and... What do I see? I see that my fan connection is plugged into a "special" Fan connector. So I am like, Well, obviously my huge fan needs more than your puny fan connector, so I hook it up to a normal one, and now my fan is running at 3500+ rpms. So... Yeah...

Although, the heat seems to still be kinda high... It seems to have topped out at 34 celcius, or ummm... 93.20 Fahrenheit. Not bad, but not really good. But THANK GOD either way! At least its working again! I love it when I have a sudden insight on a problem. That is so God and not me.

Yay For the all powerful wallet vortex!

My Computer that is. I need to get some silver based thermal paste to put on the die. It had some from before but it appears to need to be reaplied. It might even be that whats on there is now insulating it. Yay!

So! Off to the local Computer Renaissance to get some silver based thermal paste. Its only a buck fifty. But still... Oh well, I could have it up and running by the end of today. Yeah...

Wait... My fan is only running at 1650 rpms, and it should run at 1900-3500 rpms... Hmmm... Thats troubling. Something must be wrong with it. Dun Dun Dun!!!

I guess I will just have to look at it. Figure it out...



Heil Mien Fuher Miny-Chad!

Heil Mein Fuhrer, Miny-Chad! (The Great Words Of Matt And Phil)

Hey Yo!

I gots my mobo today! So I should be able to put it together some day... Hopefully soon. Yeah... Hopefully it will work too...

Yeah... I need to write reports and stuff... Hmmm... I am so late on some of that stuff...

I haven't really talked with anyone lately... Hmmm... I think maybe the less I talk the less likely I am to talk... Its kinda strange, but in a way it makes sense. Me being an introvert and all. Hehe... People think I talk, but if we're talking about things that won't make any realy impact on my life or the lives around me, than it doesn't really matter to me. Or something like that. I can't always explain what my heart wants to say. I suppose thats why ideas like love and such are very enticing to me. But then again, I am really stupid, so it could just be that.

Ok, I just wrote a big thingie at Christinas Xanga, so I am tired, and its 2 in the morning,





Today I am again having fun computer problems. I am almost constantly having them,but thats the joy of being a computer geek, I can fix them myself. But this one is just boggling me. My usb mouse and keyboard are cutting out. They do it like once a day. And then a little box pops up in my system tray saying my usb device has malfunctioned and that I should click there for help in fixing it. I love that. Because it goes away as soon as my mouse works again.

Thats the best...

Hey! I ordered my mobo! It will be here on the 23rd. Hopefully.




So... In my ever increasing parnoia and insanity I stopped posting... Temporarily...

I really should get a template that has titles. Its really annoying not to.

So, were are almost done making maple syrup. Only like 40 gallons or so left to boil down...

I kinda want to see Van Helsing. But I haven't seen a rating yet. If its rated R I won't see it. Or If it gets really bad reviews. It "looks" cool. But that doesn't mean much these days. Neither does ratings from reputable sites I guess. I saw Hell Boy the other day, because... Ummm... what site was it... I don't know, the christian one for movies. Whichever one that is. Any ways they said it was worth seeing. But it wasn't. It was pretty lame. Even by my cheesy movie rating system. Yeah.

Well, hopefully someday I could dream to be married, but here, today at 17. I cannot. I am not sure how that came up... Oh well...

Just listening to "Binary" By Brave Saint Saturn and doing a test... Fun FUN!

hmmm... I really shouldn't post on people comment boards. When I post on them, I know that I am not writting my best. Even if it sounds ok, it still shouldn't post. I guess thats me though, Always doing what I shouldn't and never doing what I should. It seems many people suffer from that problem.

Man... Sometimes it seems like I can hardly wait until I can really think about getting married. I want to do that. I want to be able to plan it out. But I can't. Not yet. Some day. No day soon, but some day. Well... Thats enough of that. "Tomorrow Is just a day away..."

Yup... I am in a strange mood even for me. But I gotta go do all sorts of stuff. I hope I don't die...



Haven't posted in a while. I got my Gerbils. I think I am gonna cal them Dos and Unix. Unless anyone else has a better name for them. My cousin Matt says I should call them Pinky and the Brain, because they are albino. Yeah.

Thats my exciting life, and I don't have anything else to say right now.




Yippe! I am getting Gerbils. I am pretty sure I want what is called Shaw's Jird. Which isn't actually gerbil, but a Jird. But thats what most people would say they are. I guess... I am not quiet sure what the difference is. Its gonna be fun having them though. Because I want to get some tubing and make a it so they can *go* far in my room. I will also probably give them a ton of card board fort action. Yep Yep.

Hey, theres a party at Kaylns house tomorrow. That should be fun. I guess... Yeah!

Well, there is no one on to talk to me, and its late. SO bed time!



Hey Hey!

Hey Hey!

Well, just sitting here, thinking about putting a computer in the paper. I just saw an ad for a computer slightly better than mine and they wanted 250 dollars for it. Errr... Well, better than the computer I want to sell. I recently had mobo troubles, so I need to sell that box for money to get a new mobo. Yeah. Its ok though, that box was getting old, so I might as well sell it while I can still get money for it. Good box though.

Just listening to Brave Saint Saturn. I really need to get some of my other music back. Like M0rtal. They rock.

"Your beautiful but not beneath your skin." Part of the chorus for Enamel, by Brave Saint Saturn.

I really love BSS's "Titan". It rocks.

I just was reading that Britney Spears was just born again. It was kinda creepy though, because I read it in the Enquirer. But I have it from a friend that actually met her in an elavator the other day, and they asked her, and she said that it is true. I hope its right.

I was just at Five Irons message board, which is really not cool. Its suprising to go to a Christian web site, and see the Lords name used in vain more often than at secular pages. You would think that there would be some sort of filter.

My thoughts on swearing. Ok, I have just recently had it argued to me that its ok to swear, for whatever reason. They said as long as you use the word right, its ok. Of course I totally disagree with that. Jesus wasn't all into swearing and cursing and stuff. And tell me what you gain by swearing? Nothing! Seriously, it makes you look like a fool. Besides, self control is part of being a Christian. If you really think you need somehthing in this life, than you really don't. Try it. Like food. Thats what fasting is about. *edit* (Not that fasting is just not eating. Its not letting your self do something that you really want to do, and instead of doing it, you pray. Well, thats still a pretty simple answer.)


the end


Just Sittin' Here...

Not much going down right now...

Just sitting and thinking about my future. And about what could happen in it. Just don't know yet.

So... What is beauty? What really defines it? Most people will often define it with a physical tangible thing. They will say, oh, she is beautiful, or he is or that landscape or that picture. But what really makes those things beautiful? I would say that most "beautiful" women, are actually not so at all. Mostly those type of women aren't beautiful, far from it actually. Its hard to say why. They just aren't trully beautiful, think of them more as an imitation. Or a forgery. Or something like that. Maybe its because they aren't complete. At least, they don't usually seem to have "real" personalities. Of course I have had very little to do with "beautiful" women.____________________ Yeah. Musn't forget the landscape. Pictures can be beautiful, but just a glimpse. It is so much more beautiful to be there, to see it yourself. To live through it. To have the memories. To be able to bring it to mind. Again, I would say pictures are incomplete._________________ I would say beauty is partly something that is whole. Something that is perfect. Or that it has flaws that only make it seem more complete, more realized. (If that makes sense) Yeah...

Sometimes I wish the girls around me would see how beautiful they are, sure they have flaws, sure they might not be the most "beautiful" looking. But they have hope. The keep trying. They haven't given up. They have passion. And so, truly they are beautiful. Yeah. Thats how it went down.

I really should stop writting down what I think. It seems to be getting more and more... ummm... IDk strange? personal? Whatever... I just don't have time to care anymore.




Testing.. Testing 1 2 3...

Changed it again

Hmmm.... I think that I like this template better than the last one. Got it from BlogSKins and its made by MayDesigns again.

Still got fun box, kinda. And my other box of boredom, which took like 2 minutes of looking and fiddiling to do.

My Dad just brought home another canoe. Always gotta have one more canoe. Just one more...

So, I got a nice little comment from Raken, but I guess I lost my comments in the move. So I will just have to keep my eyes peeled for his blog. Wait! I just did some cool stuff with mozilla and found it. Here it be! Rakens Page

At least I think he called himself Raken...

So, I went to the site where he hosts his picture for his page, and somehow the sites index was unprotected. Maybe its not supposed to be, but its interesting to look through other peoples pictures. Lots of drawings. Oddly I saw some of rakens comics there, but only the ones with Wilson in it. IDK...

Well, I gotta get back to school work. I got like 2 more lessons, and then maybe I will post something more. I am probably addicted. But no more so then Story Book. Story Book is a .txt I always wrote in, but my cousin has it now. He has like 5 or 6 gigs of stuff off my old computer. Lots of pictures and stuff.


And DON"T POKE SMOT... its ok to poke charlie though...
Hello Bloggity!

So I got a real nice e-mail from Tawnya. She talked about going to summit, and how her friend Ruth met her fiance there two years ago. Neat eh? And she said we should get together sometime, which we should. Yup.

"Watch his eyes flicker slow like the batteries are dying" -BSS

Just read some of this blog Its pretty good.

"Under twenty thousand tons of brick and stone..."

I love that song. Brave Saint Saturn always makes me think. About all the things. Always makes me feel passionate about all the things going on in my life. Some how it stirs me up inside. It makes me feel like changing this world.

This world needs an awakening. It needs someone to come and say, HEY! Open your eyes! Look at whats around, and look at whats on the horizon. Look at what could be, look at what you could have. And look at what your missing. Some how it seems to me, that the world around me is deep asleep, and is having a nightmare that its just not waking up from. Yeah. Just crazy out there, and everyone says its normal. Just a plain old everyday day when you see the bodies piling up in the streets. And everyone out there is dulling the pain with sex, drugs and alchol. They say, "Oh, it really is ok, nothings really that bad" Because you know, whats a couple of lives. The world would have you think that, as long as there alive, they are just fine. But if someone dies in a war, OH NO! Suddenly its the end of the world. People have been whining about Iraq, but they don't care about people who die from drugs or alachol. Or kids die from poverty. You might say that it doesn't happen here in the US, but would it matter if it were a different country? You would have to think some how that the value of american lives is great than anywhere else.

Well, I think thats enough of my rantings. I just pray this world wakes up soon.

Chau 0_0

"Christmas presents on the day she died"


This song rocks

Under twenty thousand tons of brick and stone,
She carries all the weight of her own world,
But somewhere deep inside,
Beneath the cartilage and bone,
Beats the battered heart of one little girl alone.
She is sweet, like sugar,
But she is bitter like the broken sugar pot.
Dad says that she could be anything she wants to be,
She only sees what she is not.

Disbeliever, underachiever,
Disconcerted with the way things look from here,
Disinclined and disinterested,
Nothing in your world seems clear.
Disbeliever, underachiever,
Don't you shed another tear,
Little Sister, broken heart resistor,
It's not like that over here.

With the Blanket of Security,
And the mighty force of her own will,
Treading water in her pink pajamas,
She is treading water still.
Hopelessly hopeless,
and she is swimming,
further into the sea.
Thinking she's substandard,
While all the while,
She is beautiful to me.

She is strong and silent,
She is blunt and shrewd,
She thinks that nobody loves her,
If she only knew,
How much we all have missed her,
We are praying for you, my little sister.

This always reminds me of my brother, and the passing of my generation.

I read Zephenaih. Its a sad book. Its all about cutting the Jews off from the land. How all the wicked peeps will die. And stuff. read it. It makes one think about how God could just get sick of it, and get rid of us. I know he won't do it.

More lyrics

No one told me it was going to rain today,
I turn my face down from the sky,
Something broke inside my heart today,
Christmas presents on the day she died.
Crippled dreams are never mentioned,
Broken things that never heal,
Mother said for me to give it time,
Tonight I cannot help but cry,
February twenty-nine.

In a world of dying children,
Rain never seems to cease,
I will hope for things unseen now,
One day my heart will be at peace.
I said I loved her and she knew it,
Whispered softly to the sky tonight,
She is warm and safe in Heaven,
In the loving arms of Jesus Christ.

There is a place that we call heaven,
A place where children never cry,
where you are never cold or hungry,
a place where you cannot go blind.
I turn my face up to the sky now,
I wipe the tears from my eyes,
Thank you God she lives forever,
February twenty-nine.

I am so Glad! So Glad that there is a place called heaven! That one day, I won't have to mourn the terrors of this world, that one day things will be better. One day things will be perfect. Until then, I am here, and while I am here, I pray that The Lord will give me the insight and knowledge and compassion to see that this world is a little better. That the people living here can see the light, and know the truth. Man, do I feel like getting pentecostal up in here.

Thats a weird way of putting that.


Ugghhh... I haven't been sleeping enough lately, I can tell. I am feeling a little edgy, and second guessing my every thought. I suppose I am just feeling a little stressed. I really need to come up with some clowning ideas. Like really really.

I should stop thinking about CJ, but we have been together to much lately. I give myself a week before my head is back in order. Just need a little air. Or something like that. I guess... I guess life has really just been getting to me lately. Sometimes it bothers me to be here on this earth. To have to see so much sorrow and pain. With children dieing every day, and people living their lives strung out on crack. With parents who abuse their kids and gangs who kill eachother. I just have a hard time knowing its out their. Knowing that people are obviously dieing, and no one will stop to help them. And when they die from this earth, they will go to eternal torment. That as they live unfufilling lives here on earth, they are setting themselves up for permanent seperation from God. It hurts, and it bleeds. But it shouldn't have to. It shouldn't have to be this way. Not at all.

I may whine about my petty little life here, but I do know that there are those with such bigger problems. People who don't see the light of day, just the dark of night. People who don't know what hope there is for them out there. Just see whats sucking their life down the drain. Those are the people that I want to help, those are the people I want to save. Christ has so much more for their lives. If only they could see. If only they could hear him calling them. One day... One day they will hear, if it kills me. And that is beauty, the bleak. When things are worst, that glimmer of hope is the sweetest of all things. When you are in the shadow, and you realize that it is caused by something bright and beautiful on the other side. So you get up and walk around whats blocking the son and see! That my friends is the best.

Yup Yup!

Well, thats enough of my random thoughts for today!




Ok! I must have done something to my template to really screw up the title system... Oh Well!

Its easter today. I worked in the nursery with CJ. I tell you at least 1000 people go to my church, shouldn't I be able to escape her? Well, I guess not. I figure, 2 more years and I can move away and forget about her. Yup, just 2 more years. That really isn't that long to wait for such a prize. Unless I become a youth leader, and she stays as one. Then I will just have to wait longer. I can gaurntee it won't be longer than 120 years... thats right 120 years... Because i can't possible live that long. Nope, couldn't possibly. Her either. I really should be a little kinder to her when I am with her though. Odd isn't it, that I have a hard time being nice to someone that i love so much... Not really that odd though, becuase she is the only person I have ever wished hated me. Of course that brings up a thought that pulls at my heart. If she did hate me, she would be sinning, which is harmful. And I really don't want to harm her, thats one of my biggest objectives, to have her oblivous, and unharmed at the end of the road.

If this seems absurd to you, and you don't understand. Then you don't know my morales, or my virtues. If this intrigues you , than you should learn more about them. If this confuses you, you should just figure I have a complex, and that I have "issues". :-D Thats right!

Of course, anyone who reads this, doesn't know me. Except maybe Christina. Oh wait, theres a bunch of people I know who can read this isn't there? Well... Thats interesting, hmmm... Doesn't change things though. Just the way it is. At least in my mind. Of course for all I know, my mind is a vortex of insanity.

Well... Chau Bloggity




Yay! The play is finally over! I start a dinner theatre in a week though... Yeah! (not so much...)

I just thought of something... I just realized that any of the girls that I am any kind of friends with, I don't talk to often and mostly on the internet... Its a strange thing... So I wonder if that means I have an easier time being friends with girls who use the internet, or girls I don't meet in person. Hehe... Maybe I am weirder in person... Of course I went to school for a year with Tawnya, and I would call her my friend.

I just watched Akira. That movie is wiggy. Its one of those things that the creator must have been on drugs to make. Like the teenage mutant ninja turtles (good stuff!), my cousin has a whole theory on how it went down. It is rather amusing.

I should really start posting my daily devo stuff on here, but I can't do daily devos near the computer... So I should write it in a tablet and then post it. Yup Yup. Let me see... I am to revalations now I think... Yeah, I just finished, Jude, so thats where I am.

I heard one of the stupidest things the other day "Did you know Jesus wasn't a christian? Yeah, he wasn't, he was a Jew. Pretty strange huh?" Isn't that lame. How could Jesus be "A follower of Jesus Christ. The name first given to the disciples of Jesus in the city of Antioch (Acts 11-26)."

My friend Phil got his hair cut into a Mohawk, or as we like to call it a FroHawk. FroHawk because his hair is so curly that it doesn't just flop down, it sticks up to inches in curls. Oh, yeah, its old school right now, he might wax it up. We shall see. Speaking of hair, I might do this extreme makeover thing for E-Night. It would rock... Maybe... I don't think that I will let them cut my hair though. They can dye it, and put it in pony tails and braid it and any thing else, but I don't want them to cut it. I don't like people to cut my hair. My hair isn't even at my shoulders yet. Wanna know wots funny? Most pictures of Jesus have him with hair down to his shoulders. Just a different culture I guess.

Well... I need to go to bed. Then I need to wake up, and serve food for easter something or other, then I do the nursery for easter service, which is nutz. Then Imma go to G+G E's then to G+G K's.

Well... Chau...

Still haven't written that letter... Or decided on AIM clown stuff... times slipping away, as is my mind.



I woke up at 6:30! And I feel totally rested, I must have gotten my REM sleep! Thats wot Matters....

Well, strangely, I am listening to SuperChik. They're ok. I like some of there songs a lot. The Hero song, and the one about the back pack full of bricks. Yeah, random. I like SuperChic k just fine. :-D

Gotta do like 2 months worth of homework.


P.S. Tawny emailed me today... Strange... I should write her a letter... I nice one... Yup Yup... Why am I talking with such big pauses? ........ Just don't know...



I've been thinking, maybe I should endevour to change my template again... Maybe...

I am so tired. I should go to bed. I might set my alarm for 7 tomorrow. Maybe...

I need to find some japanese rap. It rocks! have you ever heard japanese rap? Go google trigun vs cowboy bebop video. You should come up with it. I hope. Its all like Japanese Rap. I think, if I remeber right. Well, anyways, its cool.

I just checked xanga, and was suprised but disapointed. I didn't like it as much, but there was image hosting. Cool, but not so cool to make me leave blogger.

Well, I am tired, and much as I would love to poor out my heart to these virtual pages, which is satisfingly disapointing, I am going to go to bed. I say disapointing, because I get the feeling no one reads my posts... Oh well, thats the way the world works.


*Edit* (Much Better!)
Funnnnn... Laggity is the best, even though my box is very decent, and my net just plan r0x0rs Blogger is laggin for some reason, probably taking down servers for maintence or overloaded or something... just can't know can I?

I am confused. My last post hasn't yet shown up some how... Weird ain'it?

So many people blog with an "agenda". Always trying to get their "opinions" out. I feel a whole lot of what that is, is that peoplel are constantly looking for something to nag and complain about. Not many people talk about changing something without trying to crush others thoughts and feelings. They shout and shout about how others are wrong, but never walk over to the others and just try talking to them about it. There seems to be a lack of compassion for people these days. No one cares any more that the other person maybe living a lie, its more about that they won't except that they are right.

It Sickens me. No one has faith in their fellow man anymore. Take politics. No one wants to hear the otherside of the story. Everyone says that they are right and everyone else is wrong. End of story. Period. Nothing more to say to you that isn't a 4 letter word.

Isn't that Dumb? Its no wonder there so much crime and violence. Now I ain't preaching peace and love, becuase I know thats not exactly gonna happen any time soon. But I mean, can't we at least be civil. Do we have to be dogs tearing at eachothers throats? No, we don't have to be. But seemingly we are. We're tearing eachother apart.

Man, does this world disapoint me. And I most of all disapoint myself.



Rainy Day

I am a person who always asks the questions that can't be answered, like, if she knew, would she love me? Silly question, becuase its not answerable.

So, Today I feel so sick that i didn't even want to go to Church, because I have been sneezing like constantly, i think my record was 9 times in a minute.

Cool I just surfed onto Http://www.Jo-Chen.com he drew the package art for fable. Pretty neat stuff.

Its raining out, so all of what I am writting here won't be on the blog until tomorrow. I have a dish connection, so it doesn't work well when its foggy.

I really need to come up with some ideas for clowning, I need a name, a costume and an act. And I need it soon. I am so indecisive that it seems that I will never get it done. Stupid me...

I need to go check out weblog.com, I forget why, but i need to. I also need to write 2 reports for Steph, but i am so sick that i can barely concentrate. Its no fun.

I ate earlier today, and I should probably eat again, but for some reason I am really not hungry. Its strange. I should be hungry by now, I had 1 plain hotdog at like 12, and here, 6 hours later I don't feel hungry... strange.

So I surfed around today, and looked at some other windows shells, but none of them were very cool, I checked out Aston, Desktopx and Litestep but I didn't like them very much. I should have tried geo too, but I didn't. Oh well.... I have been thinking about adding a secret user account to my computer, but i haven't any idea why, just for fun i guess. I learned today, that I only need to get 65 dollars for the emachines, because its that much for the mobo, instead of 85. Silly me thinking the mobo was 85 dollars. I wonder how much I could get that computer to go for. I really should sell it and order a new mobo. Really should. Or I should just go insane. Just go insane... Yup... Unless I arlready am insane...

Well, I am really bored now, I have been without the net for like 30mins now, and my tv probably doesn't work, so I just have a .txt doc open here, and here I am pounding away. I should go get my PDA and sync it with the computer. I really should. Of course I don't have all that much that I need to do with that. I think I put pong or something on it. Exciting eh? I borrowed all my 64 games to BigZ, and my cuz was gonna borrow me a SNES. Sweet eh? I have killer instinct. Is that rad? I think that I am going to fill up my PDA calender with stuff... howsaboutthat? Pretty nifty eh?

Today I was watching Band Of Brothers, that WWII movie, about "Easy" company. It rocks. Reminds me of Battlefield 1942. Oh, my friend Phil got Vietnam, he says its fun, but hard, Matt says its real enjoyable. So imma thinking about getting me some of that if I ever have a computer that can run it. Yup Yup!!!

My friend Tawnya was telling me the other day about her friend Nick, who said some pretty gross stuff to her cause he was a little "tipsy". And I felt a little prideful, because my friend Vanessa said he was "creepy". And I never liked him, which isn't a good view for me to take on, the "I-coulda-told-you-that" view. That makes me kinda sad though, because my friend Tawnya has been through a lotta stuff. And I know she is a much deeper thinker that most people. Which maybe makes her more depressed than most people.

So here I sit and wonder about the lives of the people around me. Will Christy ever be an evangelist? Will Matt ever go to China? Will BigZ be a youth pastor? Will our paths ever meet again after leaving the town of Duluth? Will we ever have as good a friendship as now?

I just don't know...

I wish my internet were working... It would sure help.

Well, I think Imma go do something else.

Chau... I guess... See you space cowboy...

I Have Decided...

I have decided that I really love blogs with english titles and forgien text. They rock...

So, I should probably take all my blog stuff down and keep it in a .txt file eh? I should also wade through my template stuff again and add some cool stuff to it. Like I should update my profile thingie on the right to include many more things. What do you think?

I have started commenting tons on other peoples web logs, hopefully they will check out my web log. Some people have really cool web logs. I hope mine is nearly as interesting theres. I should learn to spell, because I kan't thpel.

Well, I am running a fever, so I am going to bed.



"Escapades: Plans for the future"

"Escapades: Plans for the future"

So! Me and my friends (not my friends and I) have all sorts of plans for the future. Silly ones.

Me and my Cuz, plan on filming "Wally Crosleys self help vidoes". In which "Wally Crosley" helps by giving really not helpful advice. In a really annoying voice. It will be funny.

We also plan on taking a roadtrip across the US for fun. But we will need a labtop and all sorts of couchs to sleep on. We are gonna film it and then put it on the labtop, and if we were really ambitious we would send it to a site or a comp or something.

Yup Yup


Lately I have been talking a little to this girl named Anna (that's the girl I talked to C.J. about) and she sent me a picture, and she is very pretty, which made me feel awkward about the picture I sent her. Because I sent her a low quality pic from my cell phone and I even with my view of the world, I know I don't look my best. Oh well, I musn't feel so self-conscious anyways.

I have also been browsing through a lot of the Deviant Art site. Which is a really cool site. Some of the pics there are really cool, some are not so much so. Also the Worth1000 Site rocks.

I saw someone with the exact same template as me today, but they didn't give credit to maystar designs. Oh well, there just lame.

I really wish I could upgrade my Blogger Account, but I haven't seen how, and I probably don't have the money. I wish to do so though because I could then post pictures, and I really have seen a bunch of pics I'd love to post.

I am really really sick today, I have a cold, and my nose won't stop running. I have used up like a ton of tissue. Its gross to be sick, I wish people didn't get sick.

I have been surfing through a lot of anime recently, it makes me wish I had a job, so I had money, so I could buy stuff. I have seen a lot of shirts and merch I would buy if I could. Worth1000 really makes me wish I had money, there's this 1 pic there that I would love to see on a shirt. melancholy was its name. Now its my wallpaper.

I got call of duty for my phone the other day, instead of 13, its ok, but some older games kick its butt for fun. I should have gotten tetris or something.

I think I have a fever, and I need to make something for supper so...


Interesting... I was denied membership to a yahoo group thingie, which is great because they don't give any reason why. Well, I guess that confirms that I won't be doing any Yahoo Group stuff. I doubt I would have participated much anyways.



Coolest poem ever

The Dying Christian to his Soul
VITAL spark of heav'nly flame!
Quit, O quit this mortal frame:
Trembling, hoping, ling'ring, flying,
O the pain, the bliss of dying!
Cease, fond Nature, cease thy strife,
And let me languish into life.

Hark! they whisper; angels say,
Sister Spirit, come away!
What is this absorbs me quite?
Steals my senses, shuts my sight,
Drowns my spirits, draws my breath?
Tell me, my soul, can this be death?

The world recedes; it disappears!
Heav'n opens on my eyes! my ears
With sounds seraphic ring!
Lend, lend your wings! I mount! I fly!
O Grave! where is thy victory?
O Death! where is thy sting?

Check out this site

It is weird. Look at the clown painting. It is weird.

Today I feel much more like I am 80 than 18.

This is word association game thingie from this site
  1. Condemn:: Death
  2. Promiscuous:: unchaste
  3. Pro-life:: un-just
  4. Mona Lisa:: smile
  5. Crown:: king
  6. Mumble:: murmur
  7. Hack:: L337 Skill
  8. Diet:: fat
  9. Introduction:: welcome
  10. Latin America:: Missions Trip
Not so much

Eh... I have decided I am not much into Yahoo Groups.

Imma Joining some yahoo groups, we shall see how that goes.


I just tried to post a bunch of html code, but no such luck.



I really need to find a book or a website or something on Vaudeville clowning. Or just some other random gags that I could use while I am in Costa Rica.

I am so tired, I am typing with my eyes closed. And it feels good because my eyes are probably strained from having them open so long.


I should go to bed.

If you get a subscritption with Blogger can you better edit the words and such?

Well yeah... Swoosh with a go.




I just got back from college days! It was fun...

We went to North Central College, which was ok. I might want to take Urban Ministries there. My cuz was excited to learn they had TEFL and Madrin Chinese.

Too many people today. I felt claustrophobic. It wasn't fun. Its not that I feel trapped, its just with so many people around, I often feel... I don't know, over looked. Faceless. Nameless.

Its creepy. I really don't enjoy it. Its hard to stomach it when I've been so busy.

Strange. I don't get so sick feeling normally. And it only happens like once a year.

I suppose with other things I have been stressing on just compounded it and made me feel that way today. Silly me.

Thats what I get for thinking about things like ladies and getting married and such, and thinking about my future, and how things could be. Of course, I have to think about these things sometime. Sooner or later. One Day. Before I'm old and gray, before my futrue is my past.

So I have been thinking about urban ministries, and about theology and missions. I don't know what I want to do most. A little of everything would suit me well. I think Urban Ministries would help me fufill my vision the best. I just don't know though.

"Desperatly seeking, Frantically believing."

Passion. What do you know about Passion? I really wouldn't call myself a passionate person. If you knew the same people I did, you probably woudn't call yourself passionate either. My peeps are firey, so much so that you can imagine the fire licking up next to them. I hope I can be like that.

I am tired. I slept on the floor of a college dorm yesterday. It wasn't fun sleeping there. It wasn't comfy. It was actually hard even for a floor, because of the weird carpeting. If I don't go to bed soon, Imma fall asleep at my keyboard.

SO Chau!

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