


I just got back from college days! It was fun...

We went to North Central College, which was ok. I might want to take Urban Ministries there. My cuz was excited to learn they had TEFL and Madrin Chinese.

Too many people today. I felt claustrophobic. It wasn't fun. Its not that I feel trapped, its just with so many people around, I often feel... I don't know, over looked. Faceless. Nameless.

Its creepy. I really don't enjoy it. Its hard to stomach it when I've been so busy.

Strange. I don't get so sick feeling normally. And it only happens like once a year.

I suppose with other things I have been stressing on just compounded it and made me feel that way today. Silly me.

Thats what I get for thinking about things like ladies and getting married and such, and thinking about my future, and how things could be. Of course, I have to think about these things sometime. Sooner or later. One Day. Before I'm old and gray, before my futrue is my past.

So I have been thinking about urban ministries, and about theology and missions. I don't know what I want to do most. A little of everything would suit me well. I think Urban Ministries would help me fufill my vision the best. I just don't know though.

"Desperatly seeking, Frantically believing."

Passion. What do you know about Passion? I really wouldn't call myself a passionate person. If you knew the same people I did, you probably woudn't call yourself passionate either. My peeps are firey, so much so that you can imagine the fire licking up next to them. I hope I can be like that.

I am tired. I slept on the floor of a college dorm yesterday. It wasn't fun sleeping there. It wasn't comfy. It was actually hard even for a floor, because of the weird carpeting. If I don't go to bed soon, Imma fall asleep at my keyboard.

SO Chau!

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