

So... In my ever increasing parnoia and insanity I stopped posting... Temporarily...

I really should get a template that has titles. Its really annoying not to.

So, were are almost done making maple syrup. Only like 40 gallons or so left to boil down...

I kinda want to see Van Helsing. But I haven't seen a rating yet. If its rated R I won't see it. Or If it gets really bad reviews. It "looks" cool. But that doesn't mean much these days. Neither does ratings from reputable sites I guess. I saw Hell Boy the other day, because... Ummm... what site was it... I don't know, the christian one for movies. Whichever one that is. Any ways they said it was worth seeing. But it wasn't. It was pretty lame. Even by my cheesy movie rating system. Yeah.

Well, hopefully someday I could dream to be married, but here, today at 17. I cannot. I am not sure how that came up... Oh well...

Just listening to "Binary" By Brave Saint Saturn and doing a test... Fun FUN!

hmmm... I really shouldn't post on people comment boards. When I post on them, I know that I am not writting my best. Even if it sounds ok, it still shouldn't post. I guess thats me though, Always doing what I shouldn't and never doing what I should. It seems many people suffer from that problem.

Man... Sometimes it seems like I can hardly wait until I can really think about getting married. I want to do that. I want to be able to plan it out. But I can't. Not yet. Some day. No day soon, but some day. Well... Thats enough of that. "Tomorrow Is just a day away..."

Yup... I am in a strange mood even for me. But I gotta go do all sorts of stuff. I hope I don't die...


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