
Hello Bloggity!

So I got a real nice e-mail from Tawnya. She talked about going to summit, and how her friend Ruth met her fiance there two years ago. Neat eh? And she said we should get together sometime, which we should. Yup.

"Watch his eyes flicker slow like the batteries are dying" -BSS

Just read some of this blog Its pretty good.

"Under twenty thousand tons of brick and stone..."

I love that song. Brave Saint Saturn always makes me think. About all the things. Always makes me feel passionate about all the things going on in my life. Some how it stirs me up inside. It makes me feel like changing this world.

This world needs an awakening. It needs someone to come and say, HEY! Open your eyes! Look at whats around, and look at whats on the horizon. Look at what could be, look at what you could have. And look at what your missing. Some how it seems to me, that the world around me is deep asleep, and is having a nightmare that its just not waking up from. Yeah. Just crazy out there, and everyone says its normal. Just a plain old everyday day when you see the bodies piling up in the streets. And everyone out there is dulling the pain with sex, drugs and alchol. They say, "Oh, it really is ok, nothings really that bad" Because you know, whats a couple of lives. The world would have you think that, as long as there alive, they are just fine. But if someone dies in a war, OH NO! Suddenly its the end of the world. People have been whining about Iraq, but they don't care about people who die from drugs or alachol. Or kids die from poverty. You might say that it doesn't happen here in the US, but would it matter if it were a different country? You would have to think some how that the value of american lives is great than anywhere else.

Well, I think thats enough of my rantings. I just pray this world wakes up soon.

Chau 0_0

"Christmas presents on the day she died"

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