



Yay! The play is finally over! I start a dinner theatre in a week though... Yeah! (not so much...)

I just thought of something... I just realized that any of the girls that I am any kind of friends with, I don't talk to often and mostly on the internet... Its a strange thing... So I wonder if that means I have an easier time being friends with girls who use the internet, or girls I don't meet in person. Hehe... Maybe I am weirder in person... Of course I went to school for a year with Tawnya, and I would call her my friend.

I just watched Akira. That movie is wiggy. Its one of those things that the creator must have been on drugs to make. Like the teenage mutant ninja turtles (good stuff!), my cousin has a whole theory on how it went down. It is rather amusing.

I should really start posting my daily devo stuff on here, but I can't do daily devos near the computer... So I should write it in a tablet and then post it. Yup Yup. Let me see... I am to revalations now I think... Yeah, I just finished, Jude, so thats where I am.

I heard one of the stupidest things the other day "Did you know Jesus wasn't a christian? Yeah, he wasn't, he was a Jew. Pretty strange huh?" Isn't that lame. How could Jesus be "A follower of Jesus Christ. The name first given to the disciples of Jesus in the city of Antioch (Acts 11-26)."

My friend Phil got his hair cut into a Mohawk, or as we like to call it a FroHawk. FroHawk because his hair is so curly that it doesn't just flop down, it sticks up to inches in curls. Oh, yeah, its old school right now, he might wax it up. We shall see. Speaking of hair, I might do this extreme makeover thing for E-Night. It would rock... Maybe... I don't think that I will let them cut my hair though. They can dye it, and put it in pony tails and braid it and any thing else, but I don't want them to cut it. I don't like people to cut my hair. My hair isn't even at my shoulders yet. Wanna know wots funny? Most pictures of Jesus have him with hair down to his shoulders. Just a different culture I guess.

Well... I need to go to bed. Then I need to wake up, and serve food for easter something or other, then I do the nursery for easter service, which is nutz. Then Imma go to G+G E's then to G+G K's.

Well... Chau...

Still haven't written that letter... Or decided on AIM clown stuff... times slipping away, as is my mind.

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