

I've been thinking, maybe I should endevour to change my template again... Maybe...

I am so tired. I should go to bed. I might set my alarm for 7 tomorrow. Maybe...

I need to find some japanese rap. It rocks! have you ever heard japanese rap? Go google trigun vs cowboy bebop video. You should come up with it. I hope. Its all like Japanese Rap. I think, if I remeber right. Well, anyways, its cool.

I just checked xanga, and was suprised but disapointed. I didn't like it as much, but there was image hosting. Cool, but not so cool to make me leave blogger.

Well, I am tired, and much as I would love to poor out my heart to these virtual pages, which is satisfingly disapointing, I am going to go to bed. I say disapointing, because I get the feeling no one reads my posts... Oh well, thats the way the world works.


*Edit* (Much Better!)

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