
Heil Mien Fuher Miny-Chad!

Heil Mein Fuhrer, Miny-Chad! (The Great Words Of Matt And Phil)

Hey Yo!

I gots my mobo today! So I should be able to put it together some day... Hopefully soon. Yeah... Hopefully it will work too...

Yeah... I need to write reports and stuff... Hmmm... I am so late on some of that stuff...

I haven't really talked with anyone lately... Hmmm... I think maybe the less I talk the less likely I am to talk... Its kinda strange, but in a way it makes sense. Me being an introvert and all. Hehe... People think I talk, but if we're talking about things that won't make any realy impact on my life or the lives around me, than it doesn't really matter to me. Or something like that. I can't always explain what my heart wants to say. I suppose thats why ideas like love and such are very enticing to me. But then again, I am really stupid, so it could just be that.

Ok, I just wrote a big thingie at Christinas Xanga, so I am tired, and its 2 in the morning,



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