
Core Vs Pro


This morning I traded in my xbox and games and controllers. The whole lot. All my phat lewt. Well, everthing that I didn't want. I got 78 dollars for it all in all. Pretty good if you ask me. I was trading in things that were just junk to me. Some of the items fetched less than a dollar, but others turned out to be worth much more than I had even hoped.

Well, I didn't really think that this was much of a question, until I learned that the "pro" or "premium" version was out of stock. Plus, the bundle I was thinking of getting turns out to contian aprox. 80 dollars worth of junk I don't need. I may perhaps get a core basic bundle. But I am just not sure if that is exactly what I want. One of the reasons I object to getting the core system is that it contains no media remote, or hd tv cables (not that I will have a hd tv anytime soon). However, on the other hand, if I do buy a core basic bundle, it comes with the remote, which I would love.

Hmm... decisions to make...

1 comment:

John said...

The core also doesn't come with the harddrive right? This means that you can't download content or save game progress I think. The harddrive seperately costs $100.