
Post lost in space...

I totally lost a post... It was a great one too...

But let me tell you about today. Click to read on...

I went to see my girl tonight! She was babysitting for a co-worker. The kid was named Reagan, she was four. It was a blast hanging out with my girl and watching this kid. We played at the playground for what seemed like forever. Wowza do kids have energy, they just seem to go forever. Bobbie would make a great mother.

Then at 8:30 we dropped Reagan back off at her house, and went home. We just lied around for half an hour until Deanne came and picked us up. We went out and about for awhile trying to think of something to do. We tried to go to "The top of the world" but it was closed. After that we went to a graveyard and just basically drove through it. Bobbies Grandpa was buried there. We continued our aimless pursuit of fun until we arrived at the race track. We got there after the race ended, and the track wasn't closed up at all... That's right you guessed it, we took a couple laps. But fear from the cops drove us off. Its not that they arrived or anything, we just got nervous and left. There were other cars on the track too, but we still felt scared.

sometime later, we proceeded to roll down a hill. Rolling down the hill was the best out of all I did today. We rolled 10+ times. We rolled in ones, twos and even all four of us at once. All four of us being Bobbie, Deanne, Thomas and myself. It was a blast. I am going to be sore in the morning though...


OH... Ps... The other post was about the land my father is looking at, and how I drove about 70 miles... Blah Blah Blah... It really was a good one though...

Say... You don't think that Google got rid of it because I was dissing them, do you?


SuperStar said...

Hunny, you totally need to start bloggeing again... What's your deal?

East said...

Eh... Its not like anyone really reads anyways... And I haven't had a whole lot going on. So I really don't have anything to say right now...


[ brooke ] said...

Don't lose hope! Brooke Devine is a major fan of this blog!

jac-atac said...

I've lost so many great messages over the years...posts, emails, the voice of God..I need to pay attention!

"If you want to be somebody, if you want to go somewhere, you'd better wake up and pay attention" (and buy a new computer system)

The Lord works! You should, too... said...

Were u with Thomas Williams? I miss Thomas of course I miss Bobbie too she better get her butt to church one of these days. O by the way I like ur blog.