
Trash from Yahoo

So I checked out Grokker today. It is junk. I felt that it made searching a lot longer and harder process. And after only 3 searches it crashed my browser. I have never had FireFox Crash on me before.

So disappointing. It really looked like it could have been fun. But it was slow and frankly useless. Of course it is still beta. So I shouldn't be to harsh. I guess it will probably improve. Hopefully to something that doesn't crash your browser.

Oh well..

So some sicko came and commented on my last post. I was really disturbed. I sent a letter to Blogger Support asking what can be done. They replied with a form letter... Hopefully they will take what I have said into consideration. There must be something they can do.

I need to go do homework. It seems like a long time since I have done some, even though its only been the weekend.

Gotta scoot


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