

I was just reading about this years Bloggies. Kind of interesting who won. I know that its been a long time since they happened, but still interesting.

Check this site out, its all about pirated web design. Pretty funny really.

haha, I just heard an awesome quote!

"that's like lemmings telling you that you have a problem with peer pressure."

Owww... My toe really hurts, I stubbed it really bad on the secretary. I was going to go vacuum but now that my toe hurts so bad, I would rather not. Oh Well!

Have all of you downloaded StumbleUpon yet? Well, you had better, because it sure can be fun!

This is so scary... Its as if "All My Base Do Belong To Them!"

Well... I suppose I should stop surfing the net and talk with you. Interesting as it is to go where I have been, I know you would rather know what's on my mind, right?

Ok, I can handle that. So... My Girlfriend has decided now that she is going to masters. Which is kind of sudden and new. I am a little bit disappointed, I will admit. She had been saying that she was going to move to Duluth and go to LSC. Which would have been nice. Instead she will be gone for 9 months to Master's commission in Dallas, Texas. But we can hack it, I guess. But only because we have to. In some ways I think that it will be good for us. But I am guessing that we are going to have to fall in love all over again, do to the drastic changes in our lives. Not that we won't be in love with each other while we are apart, its just that we won't be the same people we were when she left. But that is life, and I am confident in my God that he will see me through it.

Yeah yeah, oh...

My friend Big Z and I seem to have large differing opinions about Christian music. I guess I stand strongly for edification in music. I question some of the mainstream Christian music that I listen to, and its what everyone listens to. Some of the songs about girls and stuff. They are seemingly pointless. I really dislike the ones involving break ups. My favorite band is one that I question strongest. I really like the music but at the same time it seems like it can be very bitter and angry. Sigh... Its not an easy thing to think about. Rejecting your favorite band on the principle that its not edifying. I will be continually thinking about this until I reach my answer. Of course this all brings to light video games... Should I really be playing them? I guess I don't think about these things enough. I should examine in what spirit I am playing these games. How do they effect me? Do the have a tendency to make me sin? Do they draw me towards things they shouldn't? What about the books I read?

Sigh... Its sad that some Christians think that they shouldn't even ask these questions. Some just assume that whatever desire they have comes from God.

*Shakes Head*

Yeah... About time for introspection again, both Bobbie and I have been feeling that. Rightio...

I think I am going for a bike ride. Its a beautiful day out, and I will bring you my camera, hopefully I will have something to show you!



SuperStar said...

Breath........ MMMMM... The real thoughts that seem to have been g oing through your head refresh me to know. I love you.

Erik Grow said...

Hm, you seem to set the bar pretty high for music that is considered "Christian"... I knew someone like that once at work. He had a bad case of the socially awkwards, but I can tell from your blog that you are probably much better-adjusted. He was also one of these people that would argue when people would casually refer to evolution, and he thought the Earth is four thousand years old. Pretty strange. He would not listen to reason or any kind of science. We kept telling him that Christianity and science are not mutually exclusive concepts, but he'd hear none of it. Ah well.

You and your girlfriend seem to love each other a great deal. That's good to see! I wish you continued happiness. Come visit my blog any time.