
"I'm Blogging This"

I discovered Google Scholar today! Its a very interesting to search with. You find all sorts of documents you might not every find otherwise. Like I searched blogging, and found a dearth of articles. I just finished reading an article from some students at Standford. They wrote on blogging. It was kind of stimulating, but not really. They spoke about blogs as a place for "thinking while writing" and such. *sigh* Yeah, only kind of interesting.

Don't forget to read the rest of my rant!

Oh! I just found the Visual Thesaurus! I have seen this before but never played with it. It looks wonderful! I saw it once, years ago on TSS. I miss those guys. I haven't downloaded the podcast, but I might. Since its done in podcasting, I don't know if I want to sit and listen to half an hour of audio. Maybe I will though.

I feel like my paragraphs are getting smaller and smaller. The more I write the more I feel like spacing my text dramatically. I keep putting less and less sentences together. I don't know why. I can't explain. I think it might have something to do with seeing so many posts from people who don't know that they can start new paragraphs. I am sure you have all seen them. People do it all the time. Especially at Xanga.com. I feel that Xanga has a lower quality blog out put than Blogger. I think its bloggers just tend to be younger at Xanga. And the web design skills displayed there continually appall me. Ughh... The neon frame designs kill my eyes.

I don't know what I think about places like Movable Type, My Space or livejournal. I guess its great that there are so many options, but sometimes I feel like the different flavors detract from the blogging atmosphere. Take my space for instance, it really just seems like a social network instead of a blogging tool. Which very well maybe what it is... In the end good blogging comes down to the individual person. How much time and effort he puts into it. I don't care if you write well, as long as you put effort into your posts.

Yeah... Well... I think that's it for this ramble folks.



John said...

Don't be an elitist buddy. Everyone gets to play in their own way.

East said...

I'm not being elitist, I'm just disapointed in the lack of effort some people put into their blogs.

As I said:

"In the end good blogging comes down to the individual person. How much time and effort he puts into it. I don't care if you write well, as long as you put effort into your posts"

It really is the thought that counts. A lot of good blogs are not terriably well written. But they do try hard.
