
Pretty Tired...

Well, today was my third day working at bridgemans, I went in early and left late. 7 and a half hours, isn't bad. I worked Friday, which is supposed to be the busiest day of the week, but it didn't seem nearly as busy as Thursday. Haha, this might sound silly but working a job seems like a fantastic diet plan.

I am very tired... But someone very special asked me to post, so I will continue on. I work 3 times in the coming week, once in the morning and twice in the evening. I work Friday again, which is fish day, and normally the busiest day of the week. I spent all morning slogging through English grammar work, which isn't very fun. I plan on spending a good portion of tomorrow doing history homework, which will be equally unfun. I aced a history quiz, which was super easy.

Oh, I guess I should let you all know, I have my drivers license, on the first try too! :-D But then again, I am sure that none of you had any doubts. Unfortunately, my moms car has been having some troubles, so we haven't really been given free reign over our car. Between my moms car problem and the gas prices, its a wonder we use the car at all.

Well... I think that I am going to call it quits!

I have sticky syrup on my arm. Its probably fudge or caramel. Ick. You have no idea how much food people waste everyday. Its disgusting. Whole entrees, salads and especially ice creams!

well... I am sure some of you are wondering about my hygiene, don't worry I'll keep brushing my teeth.



[ brooke ] said...

I didn't know you got a job! I didn't know you got your driver's license! More power to ya, man! I thought you had a Relient K?

SuperStar said...

Good hiegene is nice....

Carrie said...

i am actually from 2.5 or 3 hours south of the D. some of my good friends go to UMD so i was just wondering.