
Breaking News!

Hey all...

I thought I might as well post what is new and happening in the world.

Yet another crazy thing sold on ebay! You have to love the madness...

Man finally creats a "Black Hole" Its pretty interesting actually, who would have thought that it would happen in my lifetime.

Well... Thats my short update for now. Just what I thought was interesting. I suppose most of you have already seen these links. Enjoy...

You know, I really should link more. Its the kind thing to do. Spread the love and all that jazz.

Some people put links in their paragraphs all over the place. Me? I don't tend to, as I am an isoblogger. I should be more of an extra-linkerblogger. Isn't that what its called. I don't remember. Well, whatever it is, you know what I mean.

I was reading about this nifty trick where you Span the first couple of words in your pargraphs, and it looked pretty nice. But you know me, I am to under motivated to add to my blog. Unless I really get going at it, nothing happens. If I were to be that motivated I would get a different template again.

Well, I am off to the play, wish me luck.

Hahaha, saying goodbye for the 7th time... Yeah, I totally live in Minnesota. And thats why its a Minnesota goodbye...


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