

Sometimes people turn out to be so much funnier than they intend to be...

I just have to say that someones unintentionally humorous thing really made me laugh today. I know that they really wouldn't think that it was funny, but it really was. I asked them a question, to which they said no, then I made a comment and they right away re answered the question as yes. I can't really explain the details, but it was hilarious. I was having such a bad day before that...

Well off to work! (there goes my good day...)



SuperStar said...


East said...



SuperStar said...

Who? What? EXPLAIN!

East said...

When I said "someone" I was meaning to keep it hidden. I don't care to reveal who it was.


SuperStar said...

oops... I forgot.. You don't have to tell me anymore... Isn't it freeing?

[ brooke ] said...

I'm glad something little like that could enlighten your day. Something similar happened to me about 20 minutes ago.