
The Spoken Word

Have you ever wondered what it would be like if you couldn't speak? Not if everyone couldn't speak, no, just you. I ask this because my voice totally hurts today. What would happen if I couldn't speak?

I would probably have to learn sign language, although I would much rather just carry a pad and pen around with me. I would have to give up a lot of things, really... Like singing, talking, laughing (maybe). I would have to stop talking to my girlfriend on the phone, or any of my friends for that matter. Hehe, it would a ton easier to hold my tongue now wouldn't it?

I have also been thinking a lot lately about goals. I have a lot of goals in my life. Some of them may be very well unreachable, but they are still goals. haha, check out some of them here...


1 comment:

[ brooke ] said...

I would totally do the pad and pen thing. It would be frustrating if none of us could talk, but then it would be normal, because, we all wouldn't be able to talk. If that made sense.

Great goals.