

I would move out of my house simply to obtian a better connection to the internet! I mean seriously, it takes me 45 minutes just to check my mail lately. I have to try like 85 bajillion times just to see my inbox. I don't know what googles problem is, but they had better fix it. Yahoo comes up in a snap, but gmail, google and blogger all take a month! I love their services, but if they start to become unrelaible I will have to leave them for someone a little more pleasing.


I was going to upload some pics of Matt and Andrew pimping the metro, but alas, you will have to wait until my lappy is some place happier!

Check it!

1 comment:

Jenni said...

woh...that was weird. we just got done hanging with a matt and andrew (hanging means riding around the block in matt's car then being dropped off so they could play them videa games). woh...

Brooke and Jenn