
Busy With Awesome

Awwwww YEAH!

So Check it, I have been hangin' out so much lately! Since I got of work this week I have hung out a TON! And it has just been teh rockin my soxorz off! I lurves it like Batman lurves black tights...

Yeah, I've been hangin' out with cute girls a bunch with my buddy Matt (who is totally a 90 on the WWWOOOAAAHHH scale) and the subject of dating has been hanging on the periphery of our conversations. So, being me... I went and grabbed Bible about it. I am really interested in seeing how this all plays out. Now there isn't a dating out come in this for me, mind you, but it still looks like it will be interesting to watch unfold.

Oh, yeah... I FINALLY found a reason to use facebook. The event system on it shows much promise. I don't know if any of my friends would use it though, being as though everyone is all hooked up in the hizzouse with cells. Word of mouth usually seems to be plenty of power to bring the crew together.

I have felt exceptionally funny lately. So much so that I have thought I was going to have to seriously do something to help someone breath. Did that make sense? Imma guess it did. But seriously though, I have had such a rocking awesome time laughing and making others laugh latley. I have loved it, it was "teh" gapezors. (just so you know, a gapeing mouth means love from now on.) Haha, I almost killed Matt with laughter while he was drinking water. Justify Full


[ brooke ] said...

Surprisingly, I knew what every single word meant.. Scary..

Jenni said...

Okay, you probably have no idea who I am. I'm a friend about Brooke Devine's. Well, anyways. You're last sentence hits close to home. My friend almost killed me when we were drinking Root Beer, haha. Laughing and drinking do not mix. :D

tootles! :)

Shainerz said...

hey jenn is my friend too! Glad life's treating you well lately. it's fun to laugh!!!