
I'm not as crazy as I think.

Ok, By now you must certianly think me Crazy, but I asure you, I am not.

I know the truth, and I follow it. I know Christ died for my sins, he paid for it with his blood. I know that the Holy spirit is here to help me. I know that Christ is coming back soon, not soon enough, and yet way to soon.

Thats just a basic outline. I know much much more than that. And yet, as ever, I know very little, only what Christ shows me.

Such a fool am I that sometimes I find myself wishing that there were a person here on earth that actually seemed to care. I have very good friends, and I know many will be world changers. Yet they are busy with their lives, much to busy for me. Its not a sense of abandoment, just disapointment. And yet, I am a fool. For who do I need besides my God? Whats on this earth will mean little when I die. For us humans are frial, and our hearts are weak. No man on earths love is unconditional. There is always something that can be done to turn it. Always. But some of us are pretty good for what we are.

Well, Its 1 in the am and Imma getting less and less certain that what I type is really what I want to say. Hmmm...

Chau~ Vermin ~ 0_0

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