


Ok! Blogger rocks! And then they TOTALLY Anihalate all doubt of it too!

So, first I gotta figure out a way to get my dital camera pics onto the computer again... Like 6 months ago, someone lost the cord that connects my camera to my computer, and now my card reader thingie doesn't work either. So now it all rides on my PDA, to see if I can accses the expansion slot from my computer throught the PDA. Should be fun eh? OH YEAH!

So, the other day CJ and I, (sorry, but the usual me and CJ just wasn't cutting it...)talked for like an hour and a half. Which if you know CJ, you would realize that she is way way way way to busy to spend an hour and a half to just talk about things. And we were talking about some personal stuff, and she was like, I can't really explain this, ask me wednesday (I love wed-nes-day)so I did, and we totally never talked about it, but she had a good time none the less. But, I still have to ask here about the paradox she couldn't explain. She is always fun to talk to :-D

Yup, Post #7 without any comments...

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