
It goes blammo!


Today it rained... I love the rain. Its my favorite weather.

We had carpet cleaning goons out to the house today... Which really bugged me. I don't know why, but waiting for somethings really gets to me... Like when some one is on the cell phone in the car, and they turn down the music so you can barely hear it... And then they proceed to talk and talk and talk about nothing important until you are like 5 mintues from the destination... It ruins the whole ride for me.

I am getting tired of the way things are going. I feel like I need a break. But there never will be one will there? No... Not for me. Thats just not how my life is supposed to work, I guess. Haha, there are moments that take me away from reality for a while, but its not really a break, because its just worse afterwords.

Eh, but who can complain?

Lately my mind has been a swirl of useless thoughts. Just searching for the answers to questions I am not supposed to know the answers to. Which can be depressing. But then again, to me, everything can be depressing. I tell ya, I am a manic depressive. Haha... of course based on the fact that I think I am going insane, I can count on that I am not.


Well... Enough of my whinning... Time to go and do... umm... something else... I guess...

eh... I am leaving myself a note here. 2nd corinth 4:8... I think thats the one.


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