
Hey Kidz!

Hey J00, what's up Kidz?

So, yeah... I wrote two letters today. Which for me, is two to many. Because I don't write letters. I write a lot of posts, yes, I IM a lot, but I don't write letters. Some how whatever I write in what is supposed to be a real personal thing, comes across as foolish, or self involved. Which is both of them came across as! The first was a foolish little whiny thing about how I don't write letters, and the second was about myself mostly. Which bugs me, but what can you do? People demanded letters, so letters I sent. I guess nothing can be done, but hope that they aren't read.

Yeah, they were both to Bobbie Jo. I think she wanted a handwritten one. I don't know though, and I am not going to ask, because I flat out refuse to handwrite one. Because I have such bad handwriting. People tell me I need to be a doctor, its so bad. So I should get a Doctorate, and call myself a doctor. I could be a doctor of theology. That would be cool. I guess.

Yeah. She confuses me, Bobbie Jo that is... Because I have no idea what she wants from me. Hmmm... I guess its because I mostly become friends with people, people don't become friends with me. In a way... I have no idea if that makes sense. Yeah

I should stop rambling... But its SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much fun!

blar blar blar... *screams!*



I always have questions that I feel like asking people. Like why some people talk to me, why some people WANT to talk to me. Why other people tolerate me. I want to ask about things people say, like why they said it, because sometime people say things that could get easily confused. Yeah

BUT ENOUGH rambling.


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