
It only takes one word to ruin a friendship!

It only takes one word to ruin a friendship!


I should know, I am good at it!

"Unentitled" by... ummm... me

How sweet the nectar of life poured out upon the sand, draining life from what was once a man. His heart is now broken, his mind is now motionless. He gave it his all, he tried his hardest, but still here he lies. So still... So still... The waves break upon his body, careassing him with their pain. They say come back, come back. Return yourself to me. His spirit struggles for its freedom, but in the end cannot be freed.

" " By... yeah...

In his blindness he did not see. His senses failing, he knew not of me. I watched him from afar, but he didn't see. I wispered in his ear, but never would he listen. He said he knew me, but we never met. I knew him, knew him O' so well. We could have been brothers, we could have been friends, but he said no. He said he knew the way, knew where to go, and what to do. But it seems now, that he never knew anything. Today I mourn his passing, I mourn for what he could have been, what he could have done. But he didn't... He never did.

Gottta get me an emerald Man Ring! So people can swear fealty to me! YEAH YEAH YEAH!


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